Ian had testing all this week. This is not the normal run-of-the-mill test but, the- mother-of-all-tests. The dreaded SBA testing or Standards Based Assessment test. The SBA test includes English/grammar, writing and math and it is given over a three day span. This test can bring horror to even the best of students. Ian has had a love/hate relationship with this test since he was in the 3rd grade. He loves the challenge of the test, but not being timed. He finds being timed a nuisance. He loves to say, "When I am timed my brain doesn't want to corporate...I just worry about the time running out but, I really DO know everything." I have always felt a little sad for him. It WOULD be frustrating to know everything in the test, but mess up just because of time limits.
This year Ian lucked out! The tests were a little different, for some reason... they were not timed! JOY! Ian started the week off with English. Ian was so excited when he came out of the English test he practically yelled, "They didn't time me Mom!" I could see by the way his little eyes were shining that this might be a good test week for him.
Ian worked his way through the English, writing and math. He smiled most days..he was happy that he was doing so well. Today was the Math test. Ian loathes math and really would be happy if it would just disappeared off the planet earth. He went into the test a little scared but, came out with a exhausted smile on his face. I was worried he didn't do well. I asked him a few questions and this is what he said:
Mom- Ian how was your Math test?
Ian- Mom, I am tired my brain is about to explode.
Mom- Was it that bad?
Ian- No, it was ok, but I think I used my mind too much today.
I am happy to say we ARE DONE with major testing for the year!
The problem with untimed tests has been my tendency to spend 8hrs on them
yea!! Is it sick to admit that actually liked testing as a child? That was before SATs and the realization that the fate of the world depended on my test results.
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