Monday, November 29, 2010

My Beloved Water

Today I read the headlines ...Fiji Water shuts operations in 'unstable' Pacific nation. Wait...WHAT!?! I had to read the article twice because I couldn't BELIEVE someone would shut down my FAVORITE water company!!! A US bottling company is pulling out of Fiji because of taxes being too high. Lame! How dare they! I need and want my water. Why couldn't the Fijian government tax cigarettes, toilet paper, soap anything...why my water?? I want to cry. Boo!

*note* I am not selfish in real life, but I am DEEPLY disappointed. =(

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Countdown

Oh, I am so excited! It is almost Thanksgiving time!! My home is all a bustle with the merriment of decorating for this wonderful holiday. Last week Sashi, Ian and I made hand print turkeys, cornucopias, pilgrims and thankful dots and plastered these all over the house. Our home is looking so festive! I adore all holidays, but thanksgiving is one of my favorites. I enjoy teaching the kids about the pilgrims and their quest for religious freedoms. I love to tell them how strong willed these people were to move away from everything they knew and to "start over." I have them imagine what this would be like, to be a pilgrim. Ian thinks it would be too hard to live back then, because he doesn't know how to farm. "We would all die mom, becasue I can't grow food." Sashi thinks it is dumb not take bathes and she wonders why the pilgrims didn't like to be clean. "Don't they like soap mama?"

For school one day we played a game called being thankful. Each kid had to tell me what they were thankful for and then write it on a big dot. Then, each of these dots were placed on the wall as fast as they could put them up. The goal was to get as many dots as they could on the wall. Our house is covered in these dots. The kids wrote things they were thankful for here is just a few: food, blankets, soap, TV, video games, medicine, doctors, clothes, toys, shoes, tub, shower, bed...etc. When you come into our house, it is easy to laugh because of the chaos on my walls. Ian thought it would be funny to play a joke on his dad.
(Hubby walking into the the house)
Ian: Dad are you feeling well?
Dad: Um, yes I feel fine.
Ian: Are you sure?
Dad: Yes (pause and looking around)
Ian: Do you see spots before your eyes?
Dad: Yes, I do see spots! (Dad is now laughing at all the thankful dots)

Did I tell you? I LOVE to cook and bake. This is another reason why I totally love this holiday. I love to try new recipes and will bake and bake. The house smells so yummy. I adore the smell of cloves and nutmeg!

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to get together and to rejoice in life. It is a time to thank God for everything that we have. I love being thankful. I think it is one of the most important things to do in life. It is wonderful to be grateful.

I am thankful for life and the joy it brings me each and everyday. I hope there are holidays in heaven, because I do not think I could live without them.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Misguided Game

Ian is totally into board games this year. He wants ALL of the old Hasbro games plus others that he sees in the stores. I have been collecting games these last 12 months and have a pretty good collection so far. Today we played the board game Life. I remember LOVING this game as a kid and was all excited to play with them this morning. We all sat down on the floor and set everything up and started the game. WHOA! This game is a little different than I remember. You can sue people and take all of their money....what the heck?!? I can have a life changing operation...weird. Dude, I can take out a loan for as much money as I want??? What is going on here with this game? I guess the creators of Life decided that the game needed a face lift! I guess it must have been lacking sales or something because now we can play the Game Of Life all raunchy style. My kids at first were a little upset when someone got to take all of their money, because of a lawsuit. Then they started to change. They wanted to sue each other and they would look for the spaces to land on that said "lawsuit." Sashi yelled at one point, "My life is made for suing!" Ian didn't want to play anymore when Sashi had sued him 2 times in a row. He said he wasn't having any fun. I got to have twins and then had a "life changing operation." I guess I wasn't happy being a mom. I do not know what to think about the "NEW" Game Of Life. I wasn't sure if I thought the game was fun or not. I do not know if I like my kids suing people....even if it is just for pretend. Ian wanted to know what "life changing operation" meant and I had to tell him... thanks to this wonderful family game. I guess there is no more innocence for the kids of the New Millennium . I guess I am behind the times because I like the old game. Why can't people just get married and live happily ever after?

Friday, November 5, 2010

I See Dead People

Genealogy I am doing it, my genealogy. And the reasons why am doing it are very clear to me. I will keep my book of remembrance, I'll write my history. It's a record of my family, my genealogy.

I have been working on my family's history for a year now and I have been loving every minute of it. It started out as a fun-thing-to-do while Ian was at 11 year old scouts, now it has become a passion. I work for an hour and a half once a week at the Family History Center and then for an hour on Sunday at home. I have always had a love for old things....old photos, documents, artifacts and stories. I started this love when I was very young child. I adored the family stories my father would tell to me and would beg for more. At the age of 11 I would dig "out the old box of photos" my mother's parents had hidden under their bed and would look at each and every one until I had faces memorized. I would drag the box down stairs and ask my grandfather, "Who is this?" He would tell me and I would memorize it. I was always grateful my grandfather was a patient man, because there were HUNDREDS of photos in that box and we went through all of them. I would bring down that box once a week and ask for stories of people in the pictures. I have hundreds of facts stored in my brain about these wonderful people. My mother's parents were not the only ones that I begged to tell me stories. My father's family also had old pictures. I stumbled upon these one day while I was poking around in their living room. I remember getting SO excited that there were photos that I could look at. I really do not remember asking if I could rifle through all of their photos...I just did it. I would ask my grandmother as she would walk by, "Who is this?" My grandmother would tell me and then I would ask her another question, "What was she/he like?" I do not know what my grandmother thought about me asking her questions, but she never stopped telling me about the people in the photos. I think it is funny that EVERY time I went to her house I pulled out that drawer and look and memorized faces. Someone asked me once why I liked photos and why I looked at the faces so closely and I remember telling them, "because I do not want to forget what they look like." I still wonder if they thought I was a nut case.
When I started to do my genealogy last year I just put down every name I could remember from when I was a child. Then the next week I would go to the computer and look up the persons death and birth dates. Then I would check the Churches websites to see if everything matched up. Lots of names did...lots did not. If there were errors I would go back to researching. I made lots of phone calls to my parents for information that I couldn't remember or was too young to ask about. Something amazing happened to me while I was working. I felt close to the person who's name I was working on. I found myself talking to them (in my head) wanting to know why I couldn't find them on the computer? I felt deeply troubled if a name did not match up to what I had. I know these people were real and that they needed to be found and written down. I feel very strongly about this. I love doing family history and I know that I will never matter how frustrated I become. I love family.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Piano Mama

When I was a young girl I used to take piano lessons. I learned my scales and all the notes and would practice for hours. I loved playing. The music I could make brought joy to my heart and I craved to hear it after a long day of school. I would jump onto the piano bench and let my fingers go. If my day was happy I would play a waltz or a ballad...if my day was stressful I would go after the marches and fast songs. The faster I would play the more the stress seemed to magically melt away. When I became a teenager I found the piano was a good friend to lean on when I was down. The music I played made me feel cheerful and I liked that happy feeling .. I played the piano a lot as a teen. While I was at college my father had a piano and I would go downstairs and play when I needed a stress relief. I played all the way up to getting married. My husband I moved and we didn't have a piano. Life got busy and the piano playing stopped. I had to work and then I had children. I had more imporatant things to do then to play on a piano. I missed playing. I would tell my husband that I needed a piano, because I was forgetting how to play. Then last year we bought a piano. The joy that I felt when we brought the piano into the house can not be put into words. I cried. I remember feeling complete, as silly as that sounds. I sat down on the piano bench and started to play the one song that I could remember. I played the song three times. While I played my children came and sat down beside me and listened.
I did get very rusty over the years. I laugh how I can't remember my left hand. I know it is somewhere in my memory but I have to find it. I play every day starting over relearning everything I have forgotten. I play my son's piano book and practice when I can. I can feel the left hand coming back. I played the Entertainer the other night and Ian came up to me and said, "Wow! Mom that sounds good." This made me very happy. I am now working on Christmas songs. It is wonderful to have my beloved piano back in my life.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Christmas Is Coming

(Singing in my head)
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat
Please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny, a ha' penny will do,
If you haven't got a ha' penny, then God bless you.

I adore Christmas music. I enjoy the simple stories that are told through song. I love how the music makes my heart dance. I crave it and can not wait until I can blare it throughout the house. I sing with my children and share what the songs mean. Today we went over the song Good King Wenceslas.

Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the feast of Stephen
When the snow lay round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When a poor man came in sight
Gath'ring winter fuel

Ian, Sashi and I went line for line talking about everything that was going on in the song. We talked about how important it is to help others and to see when people are in need. It brought me joy to sing and teach a song that I have always loved. Another love of my life is this man

I truly love this man.... Mr. Bing Crosby. His voice is amazing and I could listen to him forever, but when you pair up his voice with Christmas songs...WOW! My Children can recognize his voice and will yell "Is that Bing?" Their favorite song that Bing sings is:

Willie, take your little drum
Robin bring your fife and come
When we play the fife and drum

When we play the fife and drum
Christmas shall very joyful be

Like the men of olden days
Who the king of kings did praise
With the sound of fife and drum

With the sound of fife and drum
To the Lord we shall bring our praise

For the last two weeks my kids and I get into the car and drive around with Christmas music blaring away.
They sing with gusto with "my man Bing." It makes me smile to know that I am making memories with my children. I know they will always remember singing in the car with Bing and mom.

Here is a secret (whispering) I have to play Christmas music in my car because my husband doesn't like Holiday music in the house before December 1st. I try and be respectful and wait, but in the car it is fair game =)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Star Gazing

Tonight I looked at hundreds of stars twinkling above me. I saw the sun and moon move across the night sky in a slow but hypnotic motion. The temperature was a warm 70 degrees and a little bit stuffy. Where was I? I was at the wonderful Juneau Planetarium. Juneau's Planetarium is the ONLY one in Alaska. It has been running for about 40 years in the Marie Drake building. The admission is free and all the workers are volunteers. Right now there are two scientists that work the giant star machine. You can tell they love their jobs and get a kick out of teaching people about the Universe. My family has been going to the shows for two months. We have enjoyed the presentations and have learned a great deal. Ian is totally in love with all things having to do with astronomy. He HAS to go to the shows and will talk about the future shows throughout the month. He wants to help out with running the machine and wants to ask questions about everything. Ian's love for science is we will do anything and everything to help him learn about the Universe.

Tonight's show was about The Earth Without the Moon. It was fantastic! We saw pictures and slides with the earth covered in water. We learned about the stages the moon goes through and what it does to the tides. Did you know Easter would not exist without the moon? Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox..We found out it would have to be a set day if we didn't have a moon. Hahahaha. All in all we had a great time and can not wait until the next one at the end of November.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Puzzling Questions

I have TONS of questions that need answering in my life. I have pondered these questions so often that I am kinda going insane... Maybe you guys can help?

1) Where do all the spoons go in my house?
2) Why does my son love to run around the house naked after his shower?
3) How can I tell Sashi it isn't nice to kick Ian in the nads?
4) WHERE are all the spoons in my house??
5) Why does my son spray toothpaste all over the mirror, in the bathroom, when he spits?
6) How can I tell Sashi I don't understand whine?
8) Why does Ian hide all of his dirty socks?
9) How can I tell Sashi it is OK to be wrong?
10) Where the HECK are all of the spoons in my house?!?

Please I need help...please.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hanna Love

I have fallen in love with a online store called Hanna Andersson. This site has the cutest dresses for little girls. The styles are adorable and the dresses are made with wonderful materials that do not wear out. I love how the dresses are fun and and age appropriate. A little girl of 7 can look like a little girl of seven and not like a prosta-tot waiting to do her next trick. I enjoy how the dresses have sleeves. You would be amazed how hard it is to find dresses with some sort of sleeve on them. I do not think a child needs to have long sleeves on all the time, but I do like a child to have some sort of short sleeve on. Sleeves give freedom of movement without having a dress fall off while in play. Sleeves also provide warmth which is much needed in the climate that I live in...who puts a child in a dress without sleeves in 40 degree weather? Fred Meyers thinks you should. Why do stores in Juneau have flimsy, non-sleeved clothes? Most of Hanna Andersson's dresses have sleeves of some sort.
Sashi ADORES Hanna dresses because they are soft and are very girly looking. She just got a dress through the mail that twirls when she spins. Sashi had a conversation with her brother the day she got the dress.

*Sashi twirling in the living room with her new dress on*
Ian: Sashi I can see your underwear.
Sashi: That's because it is a good dress!

Sashi would get all the dresses in the catalog if she could have her way. Tonight she was showing me all the dresses that she wanted. Most of the dresses she picked out were are some of her favorites:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Halloween Is Near

Halloween is coming faster than we can say... YIKES! Yesterday the kids wanted to go out and buy costumes. So, off we went to go dive into the wonderful world of ghouls, goblins, witches, ghosts, and every imaginable character you can think of. Ian and Sashi were in absolute delight to walk down the aisles and touch all of the merchandise. Sashi had to touch and look at all of the princess dresses. Ian had to try out every make believe sword in the store. Once Sashi was done in the princess aisle she had to go look at all the decorations that moved or made noise. Ian thought it would be cool to turn on every movable device within seconds of each other so that all they would all move and scream at the same time.

Sashi got scared of a skeleton bowl which grabbed her hand when she got too close to it. She screamed bloody murder!! Sashi was kinda pissed off that a bowl scared her, but then she got over it when she saw the wigs! Oh joy! Wigs of all colors and lengths!! Ian started to yell my name when he got to the candy aisle.."Mom, I am in chocolate heaven!" I walked to where the yelling was coming from and there was Ian with huge eyes drooling over the candy bags.

I knew it would be a good thing to get him out of this aisle before he started asking me for bags of chocolate to take home. Dang, too late. Ian said, "Mom, you know, our house is lacking chocolate." Then he smiled at me and went for a bag of the Kit Kats. I told him that it was ok that we didn't have chocolate in the house and that we would all live without it. He didn't seem to believe me but he walked on.

Ian picked out a phantom outfit that looks like this:

Sashi got a pumpkin patch witch costume.

I think the excitement of Halloween is going to start increasing with each passing day. My children already want to decorate the house and make Halloween cookies. Ian wants to have Halloween art projects for the entire month of October. Am I excited for all of this chaos? Yes, Yes I am.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Wonderful World of Glow Sticks

Imagine a light that you could hold in your hand. A light with a soft glow that could light up any tiny space. What if this light could come in different colors? What if this amazing luminous orb could come in different sizes? What if this light was only a dollar at the store and you could buy it anytime you wanted?? Sounds too good doesn't it? Let me introduce you to the Glow Stick.

Who ever came up with this idea was a genius! My children LOVE glowing things. It doesn't matter what glows they will want it and it will have to go into their rooms. Ian has had in the past: stars, toys, books, clothes, planets, Lego's and even paint that glows. He loves to have-the-power that comes with something so awesome. He pretends it is his lightsaber and will have all sorts of battles in his darken room.

Sashi is just starting to get into the glow-in-the-dark-craze. She has little toys that glow and a few shirts, but her all time favorite toy is the glow stick. Today she picked one out at the store. It had to be the biggest one and it had to be the brightest one. She talked about it all the way home in the car. Once she was home she spent an hour creating a tent out of blankets and chairs. Then the giggling began. I went to go see what the laughing was about and there was Sashi sitting inside her tent with her glow stick in her lap....singing and laughing to her stuffed animals. She had created a wonderland for her animals and what made it the most magical of all...was the soft glow of a green glow stick.

It is delightful to get a "toy" that your children can use for hours and never get bored of. It is fabulous that the glow sticks are only a dollar! It is amazing that someone had the insight and know how to make an object glow. Yay, for Glow Sticks!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Guilty Pleasure

I am totally enamored with Phineas and Ferb. This cute cartoon made it's way into my living room almost a year ago and I can not seem to get enough. This is a show about two brothers with TONS of imagination, who can do ANYTHING that they put their minds to. No one but the neighbor kids can see and play with the inventions that the boys come up with. They have a teenage sister who tries with all her heart to "bust" her brothers and to bask in the glory of getting her brothers in trouble. She fails 99 percent of the time..much to her frustration. The boys have a pet called Perry and he is a platypus. Perry is not your typical pet he is a secret agent who has to foil the evil plans of the town villain. The characters are very easy to fall in love with and you always seem to want the sister to succeed in her annoying habit.

I have watched this show almost every night and I think I enjoy it more than my children...well, maybe not. I really enjoy creative programs and this one is on the top of my list of fun and entertaining shows. It is a show I am not ashamed to have my children watch and even quote.

It has taken my a while to write this post in fear my man would tease me relentlessly. I have given it a lot of thought and I am now ready to have the teasing begin. So Bring It On!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Burning Eyes

I have been so tired this week that my eyes have been burning every day.

It feels like the Sandman has dumped 30 bags of dirt in my eyes.

I know I should sleep...dark rings look cute on a raccoons, but not so much on me.

My bed is so inviting, but I do not want to rest.

I guess I will stay up all night and play on my computer and complain about how tired I am....

Maybe red eyes might become a fashion trend and I will be in style for the first time in my life!

Maybe not...ummm....Maybe I should go to sleep....NIGHT!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A quest for a Bunny

Ian and I were looking at bunny pictures tonight wondering what kind we should get if we bought a rabbit. Do we want a large one with big fuzzy feet?

Maybe we want a tiny one that looks like a snowball??

Better yet we should get one with big ears!

Ian might like a spotted one???

Or maybe a lop ear bunny?

Gee, it is so hard to make up our minds...they are all so CUTE!! I like the bunnies with the little tuffs of fur in their ears...awww

Ian still wants a Holland Lop...who can blame him, look at this picture

I hope that in the next year we can get Ian his beloved bunny...until then it is fun to look and dream.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Catastrophe

This is a story of a young girl and her Gobstopppers.

Once upon a time there was a young girl who wanted to get a snack at the store. She begged her mother for a delicious, sweet treat one that "would not rot out her teeth." This little girls' mother thought, "why not" and gave her permission to get a yummy, gooey snack. The little girl went to the candy aisle and stared at all the wonderful treats. She picked up each candy and looked and read each label very carefully...then she picked. Can you guess what it was? The little girl ran to her mother and held out her treasure...Gobstoppers! She gave her mother a adorable smile, as if to say "Mom, you are the greatest!" The young girl waited patiently, in line, while her mother checked out. She giggled when the gobstoppers were given to her and she held her mother's hand all the way to the car. The little girl chatted to her mom about how yummy the candy would taste and what flavors were her favorite. It was decided that the red ones were the yummiest and that she wanted to eat that color first.

This young girl poured three gobstoppers into her hand and proceeded to eat them. "Oh, mom these are the best!" "Too bad you did not get any at the store." THEN IT HAPPENED.....

There was this sound of rushing water or what sounded like rushing water. This sound was then followed by the loudest screaming you ever did hear. "AHHHHHHH, MY GOBSTOPPERS!!! MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM! THEY....THEY....THEY ARE ALL...OVER....THE FLOOR OF THE CAR!!!! WAAAAAA! Big tears are falling all over the lap of this pretty little girl, in her hand is an empty box. Her big, blue eyes are filled with tears and the big smile that was once on her face was no more.

Oh what a sad drive home it was. A little girl without her beloved candy. She begged her mother if she could eat the candy off the floor, but mom would not budge. "The floor of the car is too gross and will make you sick," said the mother. The little girl put her jacket over her head and whimpered all the way home. The little girls mother felt terrible. Once home the little girl and her mother embraced
and talked about how sad it all was. The mom even got out a popsicle and gave it to the little girl. The pretty little girl smiled up at her mom once more, life was still good.

Monday, August 30, 2010

School Days

School has started at the League Home!! Our shelves are stocked with books, folders, atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, writing paper, crayons, markers, pencils, workbooks and pens! much stuff. What wonderful things to have to make learning fun. We start school at 8:00am and go until 2:00pm. Our school has two small breaks (15 minutes) and a half hour lunch. The kids work very hard at their studies. We combine several subjects: History, Art and Science. The other subjects are separate and each child works independently or with mom. I love watching my children learn. Each child has a different learning style, which is awesome to watch. Ian is my sponge. He sucks up all the information that you give him as fast as he can so that he can have more free time. Ian loves science, reading, writing and spelling. He will ask for science everyday and will sit in thought wondering how things work. Ian loathes math and wishes it never existed. It will take him 2 hours at times to do his math, just because he will be looking out the window day dreaming. Sashi loves art, writing and math. If Sashi had her way she would do art all day long. She asks for art and if we do not do a project for that day she will fall into a funk that can last the entire day. I have gone to many websites looking up art projects that both kids can do together and so far we have a wall with many wonderful masterpieces.

Here are some pictures of our first school days.

Sashi made this flower out of paper airplanes.

This is a tower that Sashi built

Ian knocks down the tower in one wack!

We made goo!

The kids LOVED this experiment

This is my favorite picture.

Ian hamming it up

I love my kids...what fun we have!