Tonight I had to go to the store and my little girl wanted to go with me. Sure, why not, I big deal. So off we went hand in hand to the car. We chatted the whole way to the store, even sang songs. We skipped into the store and waved and made faces to the security camera that was above the door. I lifted my girl into the cart and we started off. Right away she wanted candy. I told her I would have to think about it. She started to whine and told me that she REALLY, really liked candy and that it would make her tummy happy to have some. I smiled on the inside and told her she would have to wait and see. Then she wanted to hold the shopping list. I let her. I had to lean way over the cart every time I wanted to see what was on our list. She then wanted to get a "golden ticket" that was hanging on every aisle. These tickets are coupons that you can grab to use when ever you like. My daughter thinks they are golden tickets like the ones on the movie Charlie and Chocolate Factory... She will even sing the song "I've got a golden ticket..."
Then she saw the AISLE!! The one with the candy in it. Oh no!! Too late she had the gum in her hot little hand and she was giving me the Bambi eyes. I let her get the gum. Then she wanted to walk. I let her. She had to run to everything in arms reach and touch the merchandise. "Mom, what is this? Can we get this?" I would say no and please put it down. She would then run down the aisle and DISAPPEAR?!? Where did she go? "PEEK, did I scare you?" She did this on every aisle. Then she wanted to pick out her own yogurt...I let her. She looked at every single yogurt that was on the shelf. She very carefully picked out 7 of her favorite. She then ran off. Boy, was this a exhausting trip.
It was time to check out and she wanted to help put everything on the conveyor belt. I let her help me. She did a wonderful job. Then she wanted to take everything off. "Wait, I said." "This isn't helping me anymore." She looked at me with very sad eyes and said, "Of course it is helping you, I love you." What can I say to this. I love my daughter and I love shopping with her .. But, BOY does it take patience.
1 comment:
We have the same shopping experience. Even with your sons best friend.
Kris P
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