Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Am I Awake

I have been finding it harder in the mornings to wake up. I do not know if it is the resent time change or if I am just getting older and my body is rebelling...whatever the case maybe I walk around my house in a sleepy fog for a good 15 minutes every morning. My kids have learned not to fight, yell, ask questions or ask for help while I am in my zombie like state. I do not yell at them nor do I punish them when they DO talk to me, however I will state in a very low, clear voice that I am not awake and can not handle anything right now. What is really funny I think my kids instinctively know that I am not kidding and they leave me be. I go about making lunches, breakfast and getting clothes out for my kids all in my own silent bubble. Then POP! My Bubble breaks and I am a happy, cheery mom and ready for the day. Zombie mom...who knew?!?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Do you guys remember playing with Play-doh? I LOVED play-doh! The creations you could make and then destroy all in one sitting. I loved mixing the colors and seeing what strange hues I could come up with...Ooooo...limebrown!! I enjoyed making towers and pots. I really liked playing with the accessories: shapes, noodles, burgers and ice cream makers...you name it they had it. One of my favorite things to play with was the little Play-doh people! Do you remember the little play-doh people, who grew hair when you placed doh into their bodies and pushed down really hard? Do you remember? I was mesmerized as a child, watching the hair grow as I pushed the play-doh man down...then I would cut off all the hair and do it again and again. I would also change the colors, laughing like crazy when purple, green, or pink would shoot out of his head... Who knew one day I would be this little guy?

I am starting to think I am the little "Play-doh man." I grow hair just as easy and fast as the little plastic dude. It seems to me that I pluck, shave and cut the stuff away and BOOM the next day....hair. It also seems the older I get the hair is mocking me, by growing more and more...never ending. I am growing hair where I never knew hair could grow?! My hair, like the play-doh man is changing color. Not the really cool shades of electric green or booming pink, but white!! Why white? Why not some other really neat color? *pouting* I want orange or blue anything but white. Sigh.