Have you ever been so tired that your eyes burned every time you blinked? Have you ever been so tired that you thought you saw things that were not there? Have you ever been so tired that you kept staring off into space every five seconds? Have you ever been so tired that people came up to you and said, "You look like crap, maybe you should get some more sleep." Thanks to the woman who said this to me. I appreate the hosesty, but not on the days that I look like crap. I want to look like a princess each and every day. Why am I so tired?? Golly, I don't even want to blog I am so exhusted. Well, I did an entry. Night.
go to bed earlier
*snarf* Yeah.....ever the helpful, practical soul. Thanks on7. I don't know - sometimes there are just days where you can never get enough sleep. I'm not sure why, perhaps hormones and cycles and all that rot?
Perhaps your husband is sucking all the energy out of your soul on a daily basis? ;)
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