PLAY!!! How we played all day! What didn't we do? We had waffles for breakfast, played, busted up big blocks to get the gold out, played, had lunch, went for an explore at the beach, played, watched a movie, played and then my friend came over to the house to gather up the kids for the night. Oh the EXCITEMENT felt at this house...golly, if we could charge up a battery with sheer joy, we would have succeeded. A+ sort of day. So why do I have a lady sleeping as my photo for this day?? Well...
I was SO tired from two days of getting up around 5 that I couldn't stay awake once all the excitement left my house. I sat at the computer and fell asleep. My husband woke me up to ask if I wanted to go to bed and I said "NO, I want to write a blog." Not more that five minutes later I was sleeping again with my fingers pressed into the keyboard. My husband woke me up laughing you should go to bed. I gave him a sad face and said "No." I really wanted to write my blog. A few minutes later I fell asleep again. This time my hubby made me go to bed and I SLEPT...hard. I had know idea I was as tired as I was. It was kinda funny. So I was going to title this blog On The Third Day She Rested, but I chicken out. I figured it was too God like and I shouldn't do it.
I think it is quite godlike to tend 5 busy, busy children for the day so you would be entitled to name this "On the third day she rested."
I think you are sweet to think this, but I still do not feel comfortable to do it...but wouldn't it be funny to have a title like this =)
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