Monday, November 24, 2008

Lego attack

Ahh.... we are under attack! Lego bullets are streaming by my head!! I can't seem to get away. Why is my man not moving? OH, I KNOW partner in crime isn't moving his character fast enough! Ugh. Then I die. I want to quit the game, but my son looks at me with his big doe eyes and I am stuck. I am stuck to play another round. I start up my character again and away we go.
We go through mazes of caves, scramble up hills by the tips of our little Lego hands and get our heads blown off by mean Nazi Lego dudes. This is all for fun. I die and die. Why do I do this? I swear it is love that draws to this game. I love my son, so I play. He is so happy to play the game and laugh at his mom swearing at a character who will not run where she wants it to go. He smiles and say, "Mom, don't worry you are getting better." I grimace back at him and thank him under my breath. I am bound and determined to get my plastic dude up the ramp so I can dig a hole and get a jewel out. WHY DO I KEEP FALLING!!!! I swear you would think I could move this guy better. You would think that after all the playing I have done in the past few months I would be an expert...but alas this is not true. I have two left thumbs or a punk ass controller which might be broken. Which ever the reason is, I will not move the way I want to. But the thing that truly keeps me going is my son smiling a huge smile the entire time we are playing together...haha...this is why I play. I believe it is all well worth it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Funny things my kids say and do

One day Ian says to me, "Mom, I can hit Sashi and it wont hurt her at all." I remember looking at him wondering where he is going with this. I then saw the twinkle in his eye that he wanted to show me, so I said, "ok, Ian show me." Ian stands Sashi against the wall. Sashi doesn't know what to think, but she trusts her brother and does as she is told. Ian pulls back his fist and goes for the blow. Sashi terrified screams but she doesn't move. Ian stops just short of punching her. Sashi giggles and giggles until she falls to the floor. "See Mom, I can hit Sashi and it wont hurt her", Says Ian. I stood there with my mouth agape wondering is this a wholesome activity for my children to be playing. Then i say, "Wow, Ian that is really cool. Do you want to do it again for the camera?" "YES!" was both their reply. Here is the picture to prove the story is true.
A few days later:

Ian: Sashi, dont say bad words.
Sashi: What bad words?
Ian: You said Damn
Sashi: No i didnt
Ian: Yes you did and I am going to tell mom

Ian runs into the kitchen. "Mom, Sashi is saying words that we are only allowed to say in College!"

Sashi and Ian are playing in their room. I over hear Sashi screaming at Ian.

Ian: Mom, Sashi is using your words!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Goodbye Sun

Well the time has come to say goodbye to our sun. I have been watching our sun slowly make it's way behind Mt. Jumbo. Every day the sun gets lower and lower, like a weight is dragging it down. I know that in about a week we will have more darkness then light. The months will seem a little longer. I have had many people ask if i get sad without the light? Do I get sad? I have to tell you, I am getting quite excited! I love winter and the darkness. Ian and I are getting ready to have snowball fights in the dark. It is fun to anticipate that a snow ball is coming for your face. You know the ball of snow is coming your way, but you cant see it at all. You kinda see this white blur but then it disappears into the darkness. Another favorite activity to do in the darkness is making snow caves by flashlight. The caves are aglow with soft orange light. You can see the shadows of the children playing in the cave. It always seems a little magical. I love how the house seems a little more cozy then normal. The warm blankets on the couch and hot chocolate that is only drunk in the winter. The candles that are brought out "just for the fun of it" and all of the yummy cookies that are made. I love winter. I love the darkness. I love the snow. I am excited.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mom I Love You Anyway

I have a question for all the parents out you ever question if your children love you? My daughter intrigues me to no end. One minute she is saying, "Oh mama i love you!" The next minute she is screaming at the top of her lungs, "You are a bad mama!" My daughter will go back and forth with these extreme emotions many times throughout the day. I have to be honest, at times don't know what is going on inside my daughter's head. Does she like me?
The other day my little girl drew a picture of herself running into her daddy's arms. She proudly showed me her work and told me about it. "Mama, this is me running into my daddy's arms, but don't worry i love you too." I kinda snickered and smiled to myself at how cute she is, but then i wondered why i didn't get a picture. Sometimes i feel like i pour my heart and soul into raising my daughter and i get forgotten when i comes to passing out the love. I don't know if this is a mother daughter thing or if it is a Sashi thing. I have to tell you i am scared to death what she might be like as a teenager. If she is yelling at me you imagine what she will be doing when she is 15!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Panic before the trip

Golly, i cant get over how many things i have to do before our trip. It is almost mind boggling! The list that i have acquired over the weekend keeps getting longer and longer with errands that need tending to. I am happy at the thought of a trip, but WOW the work that needs to be done before then! I find it amusing that i sit here at the computer, procrastinating and complaining, yet the work hasn't been done yet. *smirk*
I guess the real thing that is chapping my hide is i have a flat tire on the car. This isn't just any flat tire, this mother is huge and it is so flat there is NO WAY to drive it. What is the world did we run over? I didn't drive yesterday and on Saturday we didn't have a flat! Ugh! I NEED my car. How can i do the great many things i need to without a car?? Oh the injustice! PPPPTTTT...on the world.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The power of T.V.

We have all heard that children are very impressionable when it comes to television. Children seem to want everything that is advertised. "Mom, i want to have a Goo Blaster 3000." This might be a cry a boy might scream as he is watching a commercial, his eyes never leave the glow of the screen. "Mom, i need to have this new Barbie cereal, it will help me have all the daily vitamins a kid needs." This might be a cry of a little girl to her mother, explaining why she should have a sugary cereal.
My children are forever screaming the toys they want when a commercial is on. I have to keep explaining that we cant get every toy or item that they see. We are unable to afford all of the vitamins, clothes, skateboards, adult diapers, baby diapers, soft soaps, penis enlargers and Barbie cereal that they see everyday. If we bought all these things,yes...we might be cleaner and sexually happier...but we would be broke. The kids are kinda getting this...and now they will only ask for one item that they see a day. So we are making progress.
The other day i had a conversation with Ian. He was asking me why i do not use Oxy Clean? I was doing the laundry and spraying shout on everything. Here is how the conversation went.

Ian: Mom, why don't you use Oxi Clean?
Mom: *looking at Ian with really wide eyes* Ah, i don't know.
Ian: Mom, Oxi Clean is really important for getting out deep stains.
Mom: *biting my tongue trying not to laugh* Ian, we don't use Oxi Clean because i use shout and it works just as well.
Mom: Besides i used Oxi Clean and it really didn't work too well.
Ian: When did you use Oxi Clean?
Mom: When you were a little boy Ian.
Ian: Well Mom, there is a new and improved Oxi Clean and i think you should try it again.
Mom: *dumbfounded* .....silence
Ian: Oxi Clean will really help you for getting out my stains on my shirt.
Mom: You know what would help me...having you use a napkin when you need to wipe your hands off.
Ian: Mom, will you try Oxi Clean again?
Mom: I don't think so. It really didn't work too well.
Ian: But Mom, that was a long time ago. I think it has changed now.
Mom: *getting a little annoyed* I don't think i want to use this, it is a waste of money.
Ian: Maybe you were using it wrong
Mom: Ian, you cant use it wrong. There are instructions how to use it.
Ian: Why would the man sell something that doesn't work?
Mom: Because he would like money and it might work for other cleaning around the house.
Ian: Oh, you mean like Orange Glow!
Mom: *thinking her son is watching a little too much T.V* Ah yes Ian...but that stuff sucks as well.
Ian: Why do people sell stuff that doesn't work?
Mom: Maybe some people like it Ian. Maybe the stuff works for them.
Ian: I think you need to use Oxi Clean again mom.

I kinda got up and threw in another load of laundry at this point. I love my son, but wow!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Learning to Juggle Life

My life is like a bag a sand with a slow leak in it. My day starts out as a beautiful full, round bag....full of homeschooling, Sashi's school, my food storage commitments, Ian's friends coming over, cooking, cleaning, playing with children, being a caring wife and trying to find time for myself. As my day progresses "my bag" begins to leak out knowledge, patience, can do spirit, patience, imagination, determination, patience, patience, and a bubble bath. When the day is ended my bag is deflated, ugly, withered old thing that nobody would want to look at. I find when i have had a bath and have mommy time, my bag slowly starts to fill again. I find it calming to know that sand is never ending. I enjoy life and love to teach my children things. I don't always like having to "add" sand to my almost seems like it might burst with the pressure of outside obligations. At times i wish that the leak would increase in size so the outgoing sand would flow faster, maybe my day would be over sooner. I know that my bag will never be empty and this makes me really empty bag would surely mean death. Life is good...even when one seems like they are being pulled in every direction.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Simple pleasures

What delights a child? Is it a ice cream cone? Is it a walk with the family to the beach? Maybe it is running up and down man, made sand dunes? It could be a race home with daddy
....or maybe it is all of the above. Today we had a family walk down to Sandy Beach. This walk isn't too far from our house, in fact it is about 10 minutes away. The children put on coats and we walked down to see how the "new playground" was coming along. It was AMAZING. There are huge sand dunes piled all along the beach cabins. The dunes are so high they match the top of these buildings. The kids delighted in climbing to the very top of the hill and then run, crawling, jumping, rolling down the hill. Oh what fun! Ian and Sashi got covered in dirt... so much dirt that Sashi said, "i will never be clean again, mama." We stayed at the beach until hubby could no longer stand the bugs biting him. "We have to go now!" my darling grumbled.
The walk home was a lot of fun, Ian and daddy raced as fast as they could to see who could get home the fastest. Daddy won, because he took the shortcut up the road to the gas station. Ian looked at me and said, "where is daddy going...oh, we are going to get goodies!" In the store the children's eyes were wide with excitement of the goodies they could buy. Ian got skittles. Sashi got Hershey kisses. Wow! The kids were so happy with this outing with mom and dad. As we walked home, Ian said, "This was the best short walk we have ever been on mom." Oh the joys of being a kid and having simple pleasures.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ian wins his game....finally!

Early this morning my son asked me if i could do a blog about him winning his favorite game Kingdom Hearts 2. Ian has been working very hard to win this game, he enlisted his friends, family and a little sister to help. He would have friends take turns trying to defeat the "bosses" then would ask for the controller, when all the hard work was done. (i am getting an ugly look from Ian) I guess this isn't all the whole truth...Ian did work hard...screaming, stomping his feet, yelling and throwing the controller around the house...oops Ian has his angry face on again....hahaha.
Here, Ian will tell the story of how he defeated the main boss or BIG BOSS. "OK, how i beat the boss there are two parts. First, i watched the basic part on you tube and my friend said i couldn't do a part of the boss level, but he was wrong i did that part really well. Well, actually mom, there is more.... Xeamneas controlled all of the organization 13 weapons. This part was easy even though he made water clones to distract me and he also knocked me back with shields of light sabors. Next i had to defeat a giant nobody that was very hard for me. After that i had to defeat Xeamneas again....he was hard because he shot a ring of lasers around me. Xeamneas caught Sora in a bolt of lightening. That is when i got to play Riku. Riku is Sora's friend. Then when i saved Sora...Xeamneas covered the whole battle ground with lasers and i had to block them using the Key blade. The key blade is a weapon with lots of cool powers. Then Sora and Riku went to the door of light and went back home. Then there was peace throughout the world where i had to fight battles."
Holy cow!!

Woot and holler Ian has finally defeated Xeamneas..meaning there is an end to Kingdom Hearts 2!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

We have cable let the games begin!

Are you ready? Are you set? The BIG day has come FINALLY come! I am way isn't the right word...thrilled!? No, not the right word...intoxicated! Yes, this is the right word! Yay! 6:30pm tonight I will be sitting in front on my TV with a huge smile on my face watching one of my loves in life. I have told my friends and family not to expect to much from me, for the next two weeks. I will be worthless...Waahaha!! *evil laugh*
I have a couple of problems however, I have to go to the mall tomorrow and help out at a home school function...ugh. I might also have to teach a class at church about canning in the next two weeks...dang....boohoo...what am i do to?! Why does life have to continue?? Why can't it stop for two weeks?? Do people not understand that I have been counting down for 4 years?? Do they not realize my passion for these games?? I need understanding....I need something.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just thinking

I thought this picture was pretty funny. I am by all means not angelic, but i thought it would go good with my topic. :)
I have been thinking a lot today on being good or being Christ like. I don't know how Jesus does it? I know that Christ is perfect and there is no way that we can even remotely be perfect, but that we are to aspire to be like him. I want to be like Jesus. I try so very hard. I can honestly tell you that i fall flat on my face all the time. I know how to be good. I see it right in arms reach, but i cant seem to touch it. It is like i am walking towards a rainbow trying to touch it, but every time i get to where i think the rainbow is just a little bit further. I gotta tell you it is very frustrating.
It is taught that you should give service willingly or to help others. I love helping others, but where i fall flat is when i complain about the service that i need to give. I am working on this very hard, but yet i find myself still complaining. I was thinking...what is the point of giving service, if you are going to complain about it? There really isn't any point. You should want to do a favor for someone. What is my deal? I know what my deal is. I am embarrassed to say. My deal is i don't like to be wronged. I find myself wanting to help others who truly need the help and ask ahead of time. I can plan my day and help out. I don't like it when someone asks for help at the last minute, because they have not planned their day right and are in a "jam." I am embarrassed to say... I KNOW that this is when you should help someone.. . When they are in a jam. I have fallen flat on my face. I am ashamed.
It is said that you should forgive 7 times 77. I forgive really easily, this truly is something i do not have a problem with. Where i am falling flat is....should i keep forgiving someone and getting hurt each time i do it or should i step away from the problem and try to avoid having it happen again? I feel like Jesus would want me to keep forgiving and just move on. I am finding this REALLY hard to do. I don't know how much i can continue to have someone stomp on me. You will not believe it. I have found myself doing the right thing. I am still forgiving and "hanging" out with this person. I am terrified though that i will be hurt again. Forgiveness is a process, once the sting is really bad. I have to work through everything and then heal and move on. Some of the things that are done to me are really mean. I keep forgiving, but after you have done it for 7 years it starts to get harder. I hate falling flat.
This is a strange post i know. I had to write about it because i needed to get it out of my mind. I am hoping now that i have posted can help me to reach the rainbow.

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Discoveries

Life is full of discoveries. Some of our discoveries are big and important, others are small and rather insignificant, but our brains crave knowledge and we need to learn. I love watching my children discovering "their" world. I laugh at the things in which they say and do. I stand amazed at some of the ideas that go through their minds. How did they come up with that? I ponder if i have kids with superpowers... i just don't know that they in fact have mega brains.
Today one of Sashi's discoveries was the little refrigerator light. Sashi was helping me make dinner. She loves to mix, chop, stir and get items that i need out of the fridge. I had asked Sashi to please get the milk out for me. Sashi's gets off her little stool and grabs the handle to the refrigerator she gives it a great pull and POP the little light goes on! Sashi grabs the milk and hands it to me. As i go on with my dinner making i see out the corner of my eye, Sashi opening the fridge again. I wonder what she is doing. I decide to watch. Sashi would open the door just a crack and press her little face into the crack and say, "mama, the light comes on! *giggle* Sashi would then quickly shut the fridge and then just a quickly open it again, this time a little wider. She then shouted, "Mama, the light goes off when i shut it and then it comes right back on when i open it." "It knows when i am coming!" *giggle* Then Sashi wants to know why the light comes on and off. I tell her that people need to see the food in the fridge and that is why the light comes on. She just stares at me. I then tell her the the light doesn't need to be on when the door is closed. Sashi thinks about this and states, "OH!" Sashi is happy with that answer and away she goes dancing down the hall. A discovery was made!

Ian has made the wonderful discovery that he is able to beat Kingdom Hearts 2! Ian is almost to the end of this game that he has been playing for almost 4 months. He has been so frustrated that he has given up more times then i can count. Just in the last few days, he has made more progress then he has ever done. He is SO excited. He and his friends sit and discuss how they are going to beat the next level. "Mom, i cant see the is coming." Ian says with delight. Yay the discovery of an actual end to a game!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Darby O'Gill And The Little People

I love movie night. The family all gets together with pillows, blankets and stuffed animals and piles all into a giant heap on the floor. We then put on the movie and watch. I love the questions that come with not understanding what is going on. "Mom, what is a Banshee?" Asks Ian with huge eyes not leaving the TV. I calmly tell him it is folk lore and not to worry, we do not believe in such things. Sashi has her mouth wide open, like she is about to catch a mouth full of flies...."Mama, what is the Banshee going to DO?" Her last word a little louder than the rest of her sentence. I tell her just watch. She does, but she comes and sits on my lap..haha. I must tell you, i love making memories ;)

Have you ever seen the seagulls
A flying o'er the heather
Or the crimson sails the
Galway Bay the fishermen unfurl
O the earth is filled with beauty
And it's gather'd all together
In the form and face and dainty grace
Of a Pretty Irish Girl
Oh, sh' is my dear My dralin' one
Her eyes so sparklin' full of fun
No other can match the likes of her
O, she is my dear
My darlin' one
My smilin' and beguilin' one
I love the ground she walks upon
My Pretty Irish Girl
Have you ever seen the morning in
Kerry Killarny when the dew is on the hayrick
And ev'ry drop a pearl
When the geese are full of blarney
And the trush is singing Gaelic
And standing in the doorway
Is a Pretty Irish Girl
Oh, she is my dear
My dralin' one
Here eyes so sparklin' full of fun
No other can match the likes of her
O, she is my dear My darlin' one
My smilin' and beguilin' one
I love the ground she walks upon
My Pretty Irish Girl
When I'm patred from my darlin'
My sighs would sail a schooner
And when I cannot reach her sure
My tears would turn a mill
Since she cannot be unkind
To any helpless creature
I think that she will marry me a
Pretty Irish Girl
Oh, she is my dear
My dralin' one
Here eyes so sparklin' full of fun
No other can match the likes of her
O, she is my dear
My darlin' one
My smilin' and beguilin' one I love the ground she walks upon
My Pretty Irish Girl

I have watched Darby O'Gill And The Little People so many times and yet i still get so much enjoyment from it.

I love the interaction between King Brain and Darby. I love the trickery and the cleverness to out do each other. I love the commitment they have for each other.

I love how there is music to go along with the campy backgrounds of the 1950's.
Isn't it funny how you can tell it is a movie lot?! I am glad movies have gotten better at hiding the

I love how i can watch this movie with my children and know they are scared of the same Banshee the way i was when i was a small child. This movie is truly a classic in my mind.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

This little cute, fuzzy, bunny has come to our house. He goes on adventures with my kids every night. He is charming and witty and is NEVER boring. He helps my children get out of the worse jams. Who is this bunny and where did he come from? This is Flopsie. He is an imaginary friend who comes to life in my stories. The children love this character so much that they beg me to tell them a new story every night. "Mom, what will Flopsie do tonight?" I will smile and tell them they will need to wait and see. OH THE EXCITEMENT!! Children go running off down the hall as fast as they can to brush their teeth and go to the bathroom. They jump into their beds and pull the covers up over their heads and giggle knowing that a new adventure will be happening.
The story always starts the same.....Once upon a time there was a little bunny named Flopsie.... The children giggle with muffled laughter under the covers. They are hanging on every word that comes out of my mouth. Oh the happiness i feel bringing my children joy!
Our story started out with a little boy who turns his hair blue by accident. He befriends a bunny and they go off with each other trying to undo the mess, before the little boy's mother finds out. The children giggle when we get to the part that the bunny has a grand idea to put mud in his hair.."Maybe this will get the blue out?!?" says, the bunny. Sashi yells at the tops of her lungs "NO MOM, IT WON'T COME OUT THAT WAY!" Why i ask? "Mom the mud is won't work." Ian is listening with huge eyes. I love his eyes they tell all. He wants more and he loves bunnies and why cant i tell these stories all night long!!
Tonight i ended the blue hair story, but tomorrow i can guarantee there will be a new adventure...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I think i am going out of my mind

I think my family is causing me to go out of my mind. I want to scream and yell at the top of my lungs, for everyone to just quit it! I am tired of the silly games this family plays. I understand that everyone comes to this world with different challenges that we are suppose to solve while we are here on earth. I also understand that we have to be patient with people, because they might not be at the same level of understanding. I understand that some people just don't get it...even if it is glaringly obvious. Just because i understand all of this, doesn't mean that i like it. I want to jump up and down on certain members of my family's feet....."WHY DON'T YOU GET IT?!"
I have tried to take sides and not take sides. I have tried to completely take myself away from everything. It truly is a no win situation. Family will find you and drag you into something even if you do not want to go. They get angry when you don't choose a side. They want to know what you think, even if you swear you don't know. Ugh. Family, is wonderful...but why on earth cant we get along?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


As i sit at my computer tonight, i hear my husband playing his new video game with his friend. I hear the familiar laughter of men chuckling at each other dying from an animated punch to the face or kick to the groin. I smile knowing my house is slowly turning back to normal.
The month of July has been a whirl wind of excitement. I have had cousins, friends,in laws, and a father came and visit me. I have been going non-stop for almost 4 weeks solid. I have watched children...sometimes 12 at a time, for days on end. I have found that i have patience that i never really knew i had. I have told countless stories to little children with eager eyes and played games until my mind was almost numb. I have missed sleep knowing that my days were not going to change for a long time. I missed my period for months on end, because of the nervousness i must have been internalizing without knowing it. I conquered, it all! I am proud of myself. I didn't shirk from my responsibilities...i carried through...and i am happy that i succeeded.
I have been wanting a quiet place for a long time, but now that i have it...i don't think i like it. I like having family around. I like the activity that comes with little children all around. I like having my father sit by my side watching movies with me. I like the Chaos. I like it. Please don't get me wrong...i like the quiet and sometimes crave it. I like being able to think without having a little one breathing down my neck wanting me to give them another glass of milk. But, there is a little confusion i am i really like the quiet? I am missing my family.
I do think families are suppose to live somewhat close to each other. So you can "pop" in on them every once in a while. Families are wonderful and i miss mine.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Life is a Party

Ian tells me on Saturday that he is going to build a club in his room. This club will have a disco dance floor, places to sit and relax and place for the manager to sit. "Mom this will be the best club in the world and we DON'T even have to leave our house to go there." He happily scampers off to his room to "build" this amazing club. All day Saturday he spends drawing up his plans. Ian comes into the room with papers piled high so i can ooo and ahhh at his PLANS. The plans are quit impressive... they have every detail from how the floor should look, to how he wants the lights to be. He giggles when i tell him he is doing a wonderful job and runs off with Sashi by his side. Sashi wants in on the action as well, but being only 5 her "help" isn't always the best. Ian and Sashi start screaming at each other after only 10 minutes. I walk down the hall and try and see what the trouble is. "MOM, DON'T COME IN HERE!" both the kids are yelling at me. I think wow...ok...fine...claw each others eyes out i don't care.
Ian comes to me an hour later with a piece of paper in his hand and a mysterious expression on his face. He doesn't say a word, just hands me the paper. He then walks to his father and hands him a piece of paper. Sashi is heard laughing and giggling down the hall, as Ian is doing this. Ian then walks away, with a strange gait that i think must be a strut! I start to smirk thinking Ian is already strutting when he is feeling proud!! I turn the piece of paper over and here is what it says:


Ian and Sashi are both sitting down in the hall peering around the corner to see if we "like the invite." I tell Ian ok. I will be there. Ian's father also says...i will be there. "YAY!" shout the kids together. "Mom, you are going to love it." "I cant wait for tomorrow."
I told Ian you have worked hard, i cant wait to see it either. I then made a BIG mistake. I said, "Ian i cant wait to dance on your floor." Ian's face dropped. "Mom, i need help to make my dance floor." Oh man, i thought...way to put my foot in my mouth. "ok" i say and now the fun begins. I get started making a "floor" for my kids. Ian has the PLANS ready and waiting for me to make it exactly like he has drawn. What he doesn't remember is i only have paper, crayons and tape to make this floor with. I tell Ian i will do my best. I start piecing the disco floor together..."Mom, you are not doing it right." "It needs to be bigger, cant you see that the plans here say this?" (Ian is pointing to the plans) I then tell Ian he can make the dance floor if he doesn't like the way i am doing it. "ok mom, you can do it." I had to crush Ian a little bit. I told him he and sashi would have to help color the disco floor. He was under the impression that i was going to make the whole thing.
We all started to color the floor. Sashi did about 4 squares. Ian did about 6 squares. I did about 12 squares. All in all the floor looked wonderful. When we went into the "club" we layed down the floor in the dark so i couldn't see what the room looked like.
Then it was TIME TO PARTY!

The room was amazing. Ian had the beds made up like couches to sit on. He had the dance floor and lights (night lights) he had a place to sit and be the manager. We all danced. I took pictures. We then turned off all the lights and lit candles and danced in the dark.....ooooo.....ahhhhh. The party was a success.

Life is a Party! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wow!! Never a dull moment...

I would like to talk about talent. TALENT: a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity. I love talent, it makes our world full of life. Can you imagine life without talented people? Golly, wouldn't it be dull! My children have talent....they are very funny. Some people might argue that children are just funny as is...however, i think it is a talent. Ian is truly funny. Two days ago, he farted (he farts all the time...this is not new) However, this day he farted at a friends house and was very embarrassed about he started to blush and says "my farts are like hurricanes mom, you can never predict them." My friend and i about died laughing, because he said it with a dead pan expression on his face. I swear he has talent...talent to make us laugh. Sashi has talent to sing. She will belt out songs out at the top of her lungs...songs that are about anything and everything. I over heard her singing yesterday about heavenly father..."oh heavenly father, how we love are sweet and are my friend." "Oh heavenly father how i love you are so cute." Ian had a friend over at the time and he stopped playing just to listen to sashi sing. He then asks Ian was she is singing about. Ian says, "oh you know...God." "Oh." says his friend.
I have talent as well. I have talent to cause bodily harm. I cut my finger yesterday. I not only cut my finger i did it in a BIG way. It was so big that i couldn't tell where the cut was because there was so much blood. I held my finger under the water while my friend ran around trying to find band-aids (why cant we find these darn things when there is actually an accident) She came back and i pulled my finger out of the water...blood. She ran to get a towel while i put my finger back in the water. She handed me the towel i wrapped my finger up. I apply pressure...blood. I put a band-aide comes off because there is so much blood. i grab the towel again....this towel was white, but i can tell you it will never be the same again. Finally the blood stops. I call hubby who is playing games with his friend, he comes over. He and i lift the cloth off...eeeeew! I have the talent to take chunks out of my finger!!! I swear to you guys i thought i had a "paper cut" type did it royal..there is no skin to speak of only a finger with a large hole in it. My hubby states..."wow, that looks ugly." "i am sorry." I slap a bandaide on it and hold my hand up right for the rest of the night, because every time i put my hand down it would bleed through. I really have talent. How in the world can one cut their finger that bad on a can of beans?!? Today i am nursing a finger that doesn't want to be touched at all. I wish i didn't have this talent...ugh.

Sashi is very sick. I think her legs are acting up again. She has a fever to go with the swollen legs. She doesn't want to do much and she is asking for her naproxen. I don't know if she has a virus or if she is having a flare-up. I worry about her a lot. I have been going for walks frequently this week, just trying to get away from all the stress. I wish i could help her. I wish i had a doctor who would be more willing to help. I have a very hard time watching a child in pain.

Ian is still worrying. I am about to go out of my mind with his "attaches." He worries about everything. I really mean everything. It is getting so bad that he comes in from playing with his friends, freaking out to the point where he is about to pass out because he thinks he has cut himself on something sharp and fears he is going to die with tetanus. Oh you guys he did it 8 times on Friday. I dont know what to do. I have told him to pray, write down his fears, i have talked about everything in detail, and i have prayed for him....what else can i do??? I gotta tell you between sashi and Ian i am a nervous wreak...thank goodness for walks. Friday he started a "attach" in the car and i had to pull over because he was losing color in his face and i didn't want him to pass out. It has gotten so bad, that i have withdrawn Ian from the scout camp this year, because...when he starts to panic...his mind becomes lost and he acts VERY WEIRD i am afraid that he would get lost or think he is lost and panic and not think things through and harm next year we will try camp again. Is it possible to be too smart for your own good? I really think Ian's "deep thinking" is getting him into trouble. I hope that his is a phase and he will get out of this...soon.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Avast thar matys


We have been learning about pirates this week. Yesterday we made "real" treasure maps. I taught the kids to crumple their paper and to paint it brown. Then we burned all the edges to make the map look old. We then drew the way we were suppose to go to get the treasure. The kids LOVED this activity! My hubby even got into it and loved making the maps look authentic.
It is fun to work with the kids and see their imaginations go wild. Ian loves to talk about his work and then to roll play. Sashi loved having me go on her treasure hunt. She and i must have done this three times in a row. Sashi would follow me telling me to "watch out mommy, you will get you foot stuck if you put it there." "OH MOMMY WATCH OUT!" Ian would look on with a huge smile on his face. He wants to be called Black Beard from now on. ARRG! Sashi isnt quite into being a pirate and insisted on being a "pretty, pretty princess." So i being Speckled face Francis, have a crew of two: Black Beard and pretty, pretty princess and we are to plunder the seven seas.

Today we will be learning about treasure chests and will make two of them. It will be fun to fill these boxes with "treasure from the outside." I am sure Sashi's will be filled with rocks and dying flowers. Ian will be putting crystals and gems and gold and silver coins (where he plans on getting this i do not know)inside. I have been planning our days out ... so that we have an activity every day. Pirate hats are next on my list. However, i might have to make a princess hat for a certain little girl.
Our summer has been a blast so far. Ian is up and running now. I am so happy that he is our healthy little guy again. So to all of my family.....Arrg, Shiver Me Timbers!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Talking to my kids

Mommy: Ian what do you want to be when you grow up?
Ian: An inventor
Mommy:What are you going to invent?
Ian: I haven't thought about it yet. I think some robot who could stop the wars in Iraq or maybe a tele-port machine to transport people to the past and future.
Mommy: Do you know you need to know math to be an inventor?
Ian: ummmmm...ya.
Mommy: Have you ever thought about being a writer?

Mommy: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Sashi: A doctor
Mommy: What do doctors do?
Sashi: They fix people up when they are sick.
Mommy: Why do you want to be a doctor?
Sashi: So i can help people out
Mommy: What will your name be?
Sashi: Dr. Sashi!
Mommy: How much will you get paid when you are a doctor?
Sashi: 38 dollars and i will help little kids get better.

Monday, June 2, 2008

ah the joys of parenthood

Today was another day of being home bound with my children. This is going to be a very long 10 days for us. Ian is recuperating on the couch from his tonsil and adenoid operation. We are only on day 4...yet it seems like an eternity for all of us. Ian is tired of laying and sitting on the couch, in fact if he had his way...there would be no couch only a trampoline in its place. I have to remind him time and time again that he isn't allowed to jump, run or shout for the next ten days. I really really wish he would stop jumping on the couch! I have to also remind him...that he is hurting at night, because he is trying to do too much during the day and he needs to learn to listen to his body. "What does this mean mom?" I have told him...that ache that you feel in your throat means you should stop talking for a while. Your head hurting means that you should lay down and take it easy. "Oh mom, i am bored." Ian you cant be bored! If you are bored it is going to be a LONG 10 days. Help us all!!!! Please help us. :)
Sashi was really cute today. I allowed her to take a bubble bath and she was so happy that she kicked her clothes off with delight and squealed down the hall to the bath room. She then proceeded to sing to the bubbles in the tub. "OH BUBBLES YOU ARE SO SHINY...OH BUBBLES YOU ARE SO SOFT...OH BUBBLES YOU LOVE ME!" Then she would giggle and start singing "BUBBLES ARE MY FRIEND...BUBBLES ARE SWEET....BUBBLES..LIKE...TO....POP! She is giggling again. I didn't tape it, like i should have, but was cute!!
I love having children even though i think they are aging me. I guess all the gray hair i have...i have earned. All the rings under my eyes are evidence that i have endured long sleepless nights. I do think all my wrinkles are from my husband *wink* My family is making me old, but i couldn't live without them.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunny Days

Here is to sun, lovely sun! We have been basking in the the heat these last few days. Enjoying hours of sunlight and watching the days slowly past by. I am glad that we are having these days now. I feel really bad knowing that Ian will be laying in bed or on the couch the next two weeks, while "summer will be starting without him." If this is all the sun we get this season, i am glad that Ian isn't missing out. Today we went to two parks: Cope park and Twin lakes. The kids had a blast. Ian and sashi went running around until they became so whiny that i knew they were no longer having any fun. Sashi attempted to swim in Gold creek, only to yell that "It is too cold mama and why is snow so cold?" (I think it is cute when she gets made at the world and there is nothing she can do about it) Once we came home sashi crashed and slept an hour...yay...freedom for mom.
We are now officially doing the count down to his big OPERATION DAY. Ian will ask me over and over how many hours does he have until his first doctors appointment. Then he will ask how many doctors will be seeing him tomorrow. He then asks me, how early does he have to wake up on the BIG day. I answer these questions very plainly and with patiences. I have to tell you tho, inside i am screaming...WHY CANT YOU REMEMBER WHAT I AM TELLING YOU! I never let him know i am thinking the questions keep flying at me hour after hour. I know that he is nervous and asking me the same questions over and over helps him. Golly it is going to be an interesting day tomorrow...he will be wanting to know everything. I better bone up on operations haha.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Poor Ian

This coming week will be a big one for Ian. Ian will be having his adenoids and tonsils taken out on Thursday. This is our second time around trying to do this. Our first attempt was sidelined by a BAD flu bug. We had to cancel everything. This time we are taking no chances and have taken Ian out of school a week before the big day and tried not have contact with large groups of people. We are hoping to have this surgery!
Ian has been having panic attaches so bad that we ended up in the hospital of Friday night. I guess the little guy has been telling us that he is not frightened and then internalises his fears, causing him to freak out over every little thing. Friday night it was Chernobyl tonight it was lock jaw. Poor Ian. I have found that he hasn't been sleeping and Genji has found that he has been wandering thought out the house at night. I don't know what to do for Ian. I have been praying with him at night...hoping that he will find comfort in this. I have explained in great detail all the questions he has asked about nuclear melt downs and lock jaw. I sure hope this will all fade away, when the surgery is over...i don't know how much of this i can handle.

I can tell Ian is wondering what it will be like recuperating from surgery. He said to me tonight, "mom, i get everything i want after my surgery right?" I told me yes!? Then he said to me, "mom, in the medical book that i have been reading, it stats that a child should be spoiled after having a major surgery." "mom, will we be getting cable this next week? I have been really wanting to watch T.V" Ahhh, i thought this is where he was going with this. I told him i didn't think we would have time to get cable placed by next week, but that we would be getting it for the Olympics. I think Ian is really looking forward to have me at his beck and call for the next two weeks. I just hope that for the first part of the week he will be sleeping. *laughing*
I will be doing more updates this next i would come daily for a while.

mia (the future slave)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ah, Sunday School

I teach the 9 year olds at church. I have done this for the past 2 1/2 years. I team teach with Genji. Yesterday, Genji stayed home with the kids and i went alone. We mostly have 4 to 6 children come every week, but wouldn't you guess the week i am alone they ALL came! I had about 10 kids in class. I was a little shocked about this, if fact wondered if there was a holiday i didn't know about and this might be the reason why primary was packed.
I went into the class wanting to teach well. I knew that i have one boy in class who is "a know it all." I really don't like children like this, but i know that we have to treat him lovingly. As i was teaching he shouted "THIS IS BORING" and "I KNOW ALL OF THIS" So i asked him, if he would like for me to get his parents and he said NO! I went on, hoping that this would be the end. As we were doing the activity ...he starts rolling his eyes.. i ask him a question, trying to get him involved and he says, yes i know the answer. So i wait and he tells me what he thinks. Well, guess what!? HE WAS WRONG!!! Oh joy!!! I said rather quickly INCORRECT! Oh, did it feel good. He just stared at me, like how in the world could he have gotten that question wrong. I gave him the right answer and then went on. He started to hit a little boy sitting next to him. I said, i think you need to go outside the class room now. He said NO, I WILL BE GOOD. I gave him another chance. I taught a very good lesson, one that i was proud of.
I asked the children who would like to say the closing prayer and this same little boy raised his hand. I allowed him to pray. As he was praying he said. i will hit you over the head with a tack hammer (pointing to another little boy) I then stopped this child midway and said with a rather stern voice...Go Out Side. I think that my tone was in a way, where he listened and moved. All they other children sat in silence, knowing that i was no longer playing around. The little boy looked as if he were going to cry he asked me how long he had to stand outside...i said, until you know that you were being very inappropriate during prayer. He said...i know...let me back in. I allowed him back in. Then i did something i have never done before. I turned off the lights and spoke in a very low but stern voice. I told the children that God loved each and every one of them and that if they didn't take anything away from me this year, i wanted them to take this one thing in. I said, when you pray to heavenly father, you be respectful, you be kind, and you pray with all your heart. I said you hurt god's feelings when you are disrespectful and that you should never say a crappy prayer. You should have seen all of the little ones eyes. Everyone of them were looking right at me. No one was talking and no one moved. I then restated that God loved them very much and wants them to be happy. Then i told them remember to pray goofing off.
I love my class. I put up with a lot of crap and i am very patient. I do not like it when children treat heavenly father poorly. I was proud of myself...i know they heard me....yay!

Monday, May 12, 2008

What is Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day. This is a wonderful day to celebrate mom's and all the wonderful things they do for us. My children pampered me the very best they could. Sashi (who is 5) had to buy or get the BIGGEST box of chocolate that she could find at the store. She also had to get the pinkest card she could find. Inside the card she wrote SASHI BUTIFL ETUPG MOM.
Ian got me two cards. One he made and one bought. He was very embarrassed about the pink card from the store, but he was very proud of the one he made. Both children were up at the crack of dawn. Pushing their gifts into my face. I was of course half asleep and could hardly make out anything in the cards, because of blurry eyes. Sashi was breathing into my face, nose to nose with me, saying "mom, you have to get have gifts waiting." Ian was bouncing on the bed, hoping that this would make me get out of bed faster...ha.
I woke up and sat in bed, rubbing my eyes. The Ian shoved the box of chocolate in my lap..."here chocolates, mom." I smile and thanked him, but the thought of eating chocolate at 7:00am was kinda gross. Sashi then opened her card for me and you know what this says? I said, ' are very sweet thank you." "mom, it says..i love you and happy mother's day and from sashi...sashi loves you." Of course this is what it says...:) Ian then shoved his cards into my lap..."mom i made this for you. I had to get a pink card, because they didn't have any cool color cards, but the one i made you is green and this is your favorite color." Ahh the joys of motherhood.
Genji cleaned the tub for me and bought bubble bath...yay! He also made me dinner of Mac and cheese, bread sticks and corn. He said, "This is our starchy meal." He wasn't kidding...i was very happy that he made dinner.
What is Mother's day? It is a day of love and i am very happy that my family loves me :)

Happy Mother's Day

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hell Fire

In the words of my Grandma, "Hell Fire!" She would utter these words when she was angry about something. It was very cute when she did this, because she said this with a Texan accent and it was always loud when it came out of her mouth. I swore i would never use such language, but dang if i thought of this phrase today *rolling eyes* when i got frustrated!!
I live in an apartment, with tons of rules, which nobody obeys. The owenrs change the way they want to do things ALL THE TIME. They get angry when you cannot read their minds and get caught doing what they asked you to do. I try desperately to obey all of their rules (no matter how dumb they might be) But do they think that i am a good tenant? No, they do fact all of their woes are put upon me and my family. I am their scape goat. I do not like this at all. I have tried to plead my case...they will not listen. I have had Genji talk to them...they slam the door in his face. I have tried to ignore them completely....doesn't work. They follow me in their car as i walk to the beach. They yell at me to come to they can yell at my to my face. It is completely in just.
Today our hallway to our house was full of smoke. It smelled so bad that i had to open the outside door so that fresh air could come through. I checked every nook and cranny in the apartment building and outside...i couldn't find where the smoke was coming from. I knocked on people's doors...most didn't answer. I called the owner...of course he didn't answer his phone...ugh. I left a message...will he get it...i don't know. There is a water leak coming down from the celling in the wash room. It is making a very large puddle on their floor. I called the answer. I called again...nothing. I finally called Seattle (to the owners wife) to tell her about the small flood that is accruing. She said, "Why don't you call my husband?" I told her i tried to call him twice...she said, "Keep trying." Genji told me that it wasn't my job to keep we stuck a bucket under the drip and let it go.
The owners didn't come when they had smoke in their building...they still do not come for the dripping water....what to do??? HELL FIRE! It makes me feel better to say this...HELL is kinda silly to say...hahaha.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lights out Juneau!

Snettisham is down because of an avalanche, causing all of Juneau to be on Diesel power all summer long. With the Diesel come WAY high prices....5 times the amount that we pay now. Juneau was asked to conserve. How may you ask...why by sitting in the dark, washing dishes by hand, not drying your clothes and try not to turn on the heater...etc. It has been a surreal experience....Fred Meyers has half it's lights turned on. Ian's class sits in the dark half the day....genji's lights at work (the state) has the lights deemed low....this is kinda like the twilight zone. I am in the same town, but somehow it is different ;)
I truly feel like a pioneer...i don't know if i like it. I hate dishes with a Passion...but yet i find myself having to wash them. I have been taking luke warm showers because the owner has turned down the water heater...ugh. Sitting in the dark has been the real challenge....Ian and sashi...just don't know what to do about this. We keep reminding them that if they are not in a room turn off the lights. I must tell them this 500 times a day. "But why mama, why do we." This is Ian's cry...haha.
I wonder what the cruise ships are going to do....they might have to pay out the nose this summer to light up their boats?? Well, wish us luck in keeping the bill down...yikes!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Working out is killing me!

So i am on the quest of getting into shape! I started this quest about a month ago watching what i ate, but now i am moving onto other things ... exercising. I started working out my upper body and now i have moved on to the lower body. I have to tell you...i am WAY out of shape. I did 20 sit-ups and 50 leg crunches as a start. The squats came next then the running. I did really well. I wasn't tired at all, UNTIL...the next day and night! Golly, what happened?!? I was walking around like an old lady. I couldn't stand up straight, my legs couldn't straighten out, at all, and my lower back was cramping like crazy. I started to panic on Saturday, when i found out that my body couldn't do the most simple thing...walking. I had rubber legs! I thought to myself, this is no good i need to walk or something ... get these muse ls working again. So i went for a hour and half walk. I have to say i think this was also a mistake. By the time i came legs just didn't want to go up stairs or anything. I sat on the couch and just thought...ugh. Working out sucks.
I know that i must have done too much all at once. I really thought my legs could handle the work load....they carry me around all day. This was a big wake up call to work out slowly. I will continue to work out, but i think i should spread out the days. Maybe not everyday but every other.
Why does being healthy have to be so much work? :)


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Today is Sunday April 6, 2008.

Today i was pondering what sleep was. I know that sleep is something all animals and humans have to do. Most people need about 7 to 8 hours of it a night, some people need more or less. I know that without it our brains become silly or sometimes grumpy. But the thought kept me up, just what is sleep? My husband LOVES sleep. He talks so fondly of snuggling down with tons of pillows and blankets. He loves to brag how it only takes him a few seconds to fall asleep. He looks forward to sleeping and will do this as much as life will allow him to do so. I also enjoy sleeping. However, i have found that one can survive with hardly any. I have come to find this out after having children. My children have kept me awake for nearly 9 My son loves to sleep, but he doesn't sleep well. He has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. He stops breathing randomly through out the night...causing him to be very restless. He also talks, walks and kicks in his sleep. I have found him many times sitting in bed eyes wide open and just staring around. I can talk with him and he will answer all of my questions....he is however, very much asleep! I remember one night i found him in the hall and i screamed because he scared me to death. He said he wanted to check the door. I told him the door was fine and that he needed to go back to bed. He had the wide eyes and i knew he was sleep walking....i have to tell you it is one of the strangest things to see.
I have a daughter who has many issues, but one issue has kept me up for nearly 5 years. She is always in pain. She can be up for hours in the middle of the night wanting me to "help" her with her hurting legs. We call these her flare-ups. She has been having these pretty much this whole last week and i have had very little sleep. So now i find myself asking the question what sleep is and what is the point of trying to get it. I already know the signs of sleep deprivation is.
1) eyes burning when you have just woken up.
2) Brain cant think at all for the first 2 hours after i am awake.
3) All i think about is chocolate and soda (caffeine and sugar)
4) I keep forgetting where my things are ....when they are right in front of me!

I want everyone to know....that i do function surprisingly well...for lack of sleep. I think the scary thing is...bodies do adapt.....but i wonder....will my body at one point want to make up the lost sleep?!?


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday March 30, 2008

I have been trying to think why children are so messy?? Is it because they are lazy? Are they just not aware that a house is messy?? My children are very talented at making messes. They even have the talent of getting out of cleaning all together. I ask Ian, "Can you please pick up your room, before you go out and play with your friends?" His reply is "mom, i don't feel like playing with my friends it is ok if i just leave my room messy." I tell him no you should clean up your room anyway, because it will make you feel better to have everything in its place. His reply, "mom, you are funny, i don't care if everything is messy...i know where everything is." Ugh! Golly, i feel like i am losing out! Strike two for mom...i have to become a little more cleaver than my son. So this is what i shout, "IAN, YOU NEED TO CLEAN YOUR ROOM OR YOU WILL GET SPIDERS HIDING UNDER CLOTHES AND IN THE CORNERS!" Ian's eyes get wide with horror at the thought of spiders hiding in his room and he starts to clean! Yay! Mom won this round!
I have been going a little nuts lately with the house being so messy. This is a new thing for me. I never really cared if the house was a little bit trashed...but now, that my children are having friends come over all the time...the house is NEVER clean. Ian's friends are just as messy as he is. I go around the house picking up after about 4 boys all day long (on the weekends) So i put my foot down the other day and now i have the kids picking up every night before they go to bed. Both of the children complain about this....Sashi will throw things at me and stomp away, but i will win (i hope) Ian said to me on evening when i had cleaned everything so nice. "mom, the house looks very nice, but why did you do this...i will have to work very hard at making it messy again." I bit my tongue and turned around smiling at how funny this was, but feeling helpless...that he is right...i guess it is a child's job to mess things up.
Sashi is a very good cleaner when she wants to be. Some days she will run off giggling to her playroom and will clean and clean until it is all done. Other days....well, let me put it nicely....she can really throw a fit. WOW! I hope to heavens that she will calm down as she gets older, because right is frightening. I find it best to let her be when she starts throwing her fits because it just isnt worth the fight to have a room get cleaned, if i have to listen to screaming for the next 4 hours.
I am happy to say, that tonight, we got the living room cleaned! Lots of complaining, but i am glad that it got done. I am praying that the kids will get used to this new "habit" soon.

Well, this is it...i hope you enjoyed it :)


Monday, March 24, 2008

Today is Easter Sunday!
I don't know why it is called Easter should be called Easter Weekend. Our Easter festivities started on Saturday when Sashi asked if she could have her picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Wow, i thought...Sashi really wants to have her picture taken with a Big, fuzzy, yellow Bunny?? I was shocked that i answered yes! Why was i shocked? For those of you who do not know Sashi...she HATES Santa Claus and will scream like someone is trying to kill her if you try and get her near i thought the Easter bunny would have the same reaction. So we went to the Nugget Mall and stood in line to have pictures taken. Sashi didn't know what to think of the bunny once she was face to face with him. But after the bunny showed sashi that they both were fuzzy (sashi had a green fuzzy sweater on) Sashi jumped onto the bunny's lap without a problem. Sashi carried this photo around all weekend long. I think i should put it in a frame and hang it on her wall.
After the Bunny photos....we went to the store to buy eggs to dye. Ian was WAY into this this year and had to have enough eggs. I asked him how many eggs we should get this year and he replied "i know how many." I thought this was very funny so we went egg shopping. I got one dozen eggs. I thought this would be enough. Ian thought about the 12 eggs and said, " mom, if we only have 12 eggs and there are 4 of us...that means we only get to dye 3 eggs each and that just isn't enough." I about died. Wow! This child bellyaches every time he has to do math...but he just thought about this and BANG the answer was given. I said, golly Ian you just did a math problem...i will get you more eggs. We went home with 24 eggs. We dyed the eggs the most beautiful colors. Ian and Sashi had a blast. I am wondering what on earth i will be doing with 24 Easter eggs?? I don't like boiled eggs Ha! I am thinking maybe Ian will be having an egg in his lunch everyday this week *wink*.
On Saturday night...Ian and Sashi could hardly fall asleep. They were tossing and turning in bed until 12:00am. The children woke up promptly at 6:30am wanting to have the egg hunt. We had the egg hunt at 7:00am and then got dressed and went to church. I must tell you the kids have been on a sugar high all day long. I swear they are like little molecules..bouncing everywhere. I am so grateful that they fell asleep. I was starting to wonder if the chocolate high would wear off?!
We had a good Easter even though i think i am going to sleep while i write this post. I hope everyone had a great day.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Starting a blog

Golly, I have never done this and really never thought i would. It is funny to to think that this could be seen by many people. I almost want to write tons of witty things, just to make other people think...WOW what an awesome site! I wonder if i have a lot of witty things to share? I don't think
So i am starting this new site, because my old site is completely barfing and i am going to kill it if i don't just walk away. It is funny how it isn't nice to swear at other people or treat them unkind, but when i am yelling at my computer I let it go! Colorful language that makes my husband blush!
I am hoping that this site can do things my other site could not. Please wish me luck on my new adventure :)
