Well the time has come to say goodbye to our sun. I have been watching our sun slowly make it's way behind Mt. Jumbo. Every day the sun gets lower and lower, like a weight is dragging it down. I know that in about a week we will have more darkness then light. The months will seem a little longer. I have had many people ask if i get sad without the light? Do I get sad? I have to tell you, I am getting quite excited! I love winter and the darkness. Ian and I are getting ready to have snowball fights in the dark. It is fun to anticipate that a snow ball is coming for your face. You know the ball of snow is coming your way, but you cant see it at all. You kinda see this white blur but then it disappears into the darkness. Another favorite activity to do in the darkness is making snow caves by flashlight. The caves are aglow with soft orange light. You can see the shadows of the children playing in the cave. It always seems a little magical. I love how the house seems a little more cozy then normal. The warm blankets on the couch and hot chocolate that is only drunk in the winter. The candles that are brought out "just for the fun of it" and all of the yummy cookies that are made. I love winter. I love the darkness. I love the snow. I am excited.
This is why you live in Alaska. Myself, I hate driving in the dark and I am loathing the shorter and shorter days. I tell myself, "Just one more month" and then, even though the days will be worse then than they are now, at least they will be getting longer.
pnette: a pennant for the girls' little league.
the longer nights always meant the folks would sleep in just a little longer on saturday which let me have an extra hour of cartoons.
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