I would like to talk about talent. TALENT: a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity. I love talent, it makes our world full of life. Can you imagine life without talented people? Golly, wouldn't it be dull! My children have talent....they are very funny. Some people might argue that children are just funny as is...however, i think it is a talent. Ian is truly funny. Two days ago, he farted (he farts all the time...this is not new) However, this day he farted at a friends house and was very embarrassed about this....so he started to blush and says "my farts are like hurricanes mom, you can never predict them." My friend and i about died laughing, because he said it with a dead pan expression on his face. I swear he has talent...talent to make us laugh. Sashi has talent to sing. She will belt out songs out at the top of her lungs...songs that are about anything and everything. I over heard her singing yesterday about heavenly father..."oh heavenly father, how we love you...you are sweet and happy...you are my friend." "Oh heavenly father how i love you ...you are so cute." Ian had a friend over at the time and he stopped playing just to listen to sashi sing. He then asks Ian was she is singing about. Ian says, "oh you know...God." "Oh." says his friend.
I have talent as well. I have talent to cause bodily harm. I cut my finger yesterday. I not only cut my finger i did it in a BIG way. It was so big that i couldn't tell where the cut was because there was so much blood. I held my finger under the water while my friend ran around trying to find band-aids (why cant we find these darn things when there is actually an accident) She came back and i pulled my finger out of the water...blood. She ran to get a towel while i put my finger back in the water. She handed me the towel i wrapped my finger up. I apply pressure...blood. I put a band-aide on...it comes off because there is so much blood. Ugh...so i grab the towel again....this towel was white, but i can tell you it will never be the same again. Finally the blood stops. I call hubby who is playing games with his friend, he comes over. He and i lift the cloth off...eeeeew! I have the talent to take chunks out of my finger!!! I swear to you guys i thought i had a "paper cut" type cut...no..i did it royal..there is no skin to speak of only a finger with a large hole in it. My hubby states..."wow, that looks ugly." "i am sorry." I slap a bandaide on it and hold my hand up right for the rest of the night, because every time i put my hand down it would bleed through. I really have talent. How in the world can one cut their finger that bad on a can of beans?!? Today i am nursing a finger that doesn't want to be touched at all. I wish i didn't have this talent...ugh.

Sashi is very sick. I think her legs are acting up again. She has a fever to go with the swollen legs. She doesn't want to do much and she is asking for her naproxen. I don't know if she has a virus or if she is having a flare-up. I worry about her a lot. I have been going for walks frequently this week, just trying to get away from all the stress. I wish i could help her. I wish i had a doctor who would be more willing to help. I have a very hard time watching a child in pain.

Ian is still worrying. I am about to go out of my mind with his "attaches." He worries about everything. I really mean everything. It is getting so bad that he comes in from playing with his friends, freaking out to the point where he is about to pass out because he thinks he has cut himself on something sharp and fears he is going to die with tetanus. Oh you guys he did it 8 times on Friday. I dont know what to do. I have told him to pray, write down his fears, i have talked about everything in detail, and i have prayed for him....what else can i do??? I gotta tell you between sashi and Ian i am a nervous wreak...thank goodness for walks. Friday he started a "attach" in the car and i had to pull over because he was losing color in his face and i didn't want him to pass out. It has gotten so bad, that i have withdrawn Ian from the scout camp this year, because...when he starts to panic...his mind becomes lost and he acts VERY WEIRD i am afraid that he would get lost or think he is lost and panic and not think things through and harm himself....so next year we will try camp again. Is it possible to be too smart for your own good? I really think Ian's "deep thinking" is getting him into trouble. I hope that his is a phase and he will get out of this...soon.
Wow - a chunk of finger gone over a can of beans? That is a talent. I expect you to bring it up at the next Relief Society meeting when the discuss individual talents.
Sorry that Ian and Sashi are not doing well. We will keep them in our prayers.
some people might consider it going the extra mile- making sure the beans had a little bit of meat in it.
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