Yesterday was Mother's Day. This is a wonderful day to celebrate mom's and all the wonderful things they do for us. My children pampered me the very best they could. Sashi (who is 5) had to buy or get the BIGGEST box of chocolate that she could find at the store. She also had to get the pinkest card she could find. Inside the card she wrote SASHI BUTIFL ETUPG MOM.
Ian got me two cards. One he made and one bought. He was very embarrassed about the pink card from the store, but he was very proud of the one he made. Both children were up at the crack of dawn. Pushing their gifts into my face. I was of course half asleep and could hardly make out anything in the cards, because of blurry eyes. Sashi was breathing into my face, nose to nose with me, saying "mom, you have to get up...you have gifts waiting." Ian was bouncing on the bed, hoping that this would make me get out of bed faster...ha.
I woke up and sat in bed, rubbing my eyes. The Ian shoved the box of chocolate in my lap..."here chocolates, mom." I smile and thanked him, but the thought of eating chocolate at 7:00am was kinda gross. Sashi then opened her card for me and said...do you know what this says? I said, 'OH...you are very sweet thank you." "mom, it says..i love you and happy mother's day and from sashi...sashi loves you." Of course this is what it says...:) Ian then shoved his cards into my lap..."mom i made this for you. I had to get a pink card, because they didn't have any cool color cards, but the one i made you is green and this is your favorite color." Ahh the joys of motherhood.
Genji cleaned the tub for me and bought bubble bath...yay! He also made me dinner of Mac and cheese, bread sticks and corn. He said, "This is our starchy meal." He wasn't kidding...i was very happy that he made dinner.
What is Mother's day? It is a day of love and i am very happy that my family loves me :)
Happy Mother's Day
1 comment:
OK, I swear, I did comment because you know how firmly I believe in commenting! I said something along the lines of, "Isn't interesting that kids will get up butt early not only for Christmas and their own presents but when they're wanting to give presents away?" But I said it better. Can't remember how I did it.
Sashi's was very sweet -- I love having little kids and how fully and without reservation they love.
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