Life is full of discoveries. Some of our discoveries are big and important, others are small and rather insignificant, but our brains crave knowledge and we need to learn. I love watching my children discovering "their" world. I laugh at the things in which they say and do. I stand amazed at some of the ideas that go through their minds. How did they come up with that? I ponder if i have kids with superpowers... i just don't know that they in fact have mega brains.
Today one of Sashi's discoveries was the little refrigerator light. Sashi was helping me make dinner. She loves to mix, chop, stir and get items that i need out of the fridge. I had asked Sashi to please get the milk out for me. Sashi's gets off her little stool and grabs the handle to the refrigerator she gives it a great pull and POP the little light goes on! Sashi grabs the milk and hands it to me. As i go on with my dinner making i see out the corner of my eye, Sashi opening the fridge again. I wonder what she is doing. I decide to watch. Sashi would open the door just a crack and press her little face into the crack and say, "mama, the light comes on! *giggle* Sashi would then quickly shut the fridge and then just a quickly open it again, this time a little wider. She then shouted, "Mama, the light goes off when i shut it and then it comes right back on when i open it." "It knows when i am coming!" *giggle* Then Sashi wants to know why the light comes on and off. I tell her that people need to see the food in the fridge and that is why the light comes on. She just stares at me. I then tell her the the light doesn't need to be on when the door is closed. Sashi thinks about this and states, "OH!" Sashi is happy with that answer and away she goes dancing down the hall. A discovery was made!

Ian has made the wonderful discovery that he is able to beat Kingdom Hearts 2! Ian is almost to the end of this game that he has been playing for almost 4 months. He has been so frustrated that he has given up more times then i can count. Just in the last few days, he has made more progress then he has ever done. He is SO excited. He and his friends sit and discuss how they are going to beat the next level. "Mom, i cant see the end...it is coming." Ian says with delight. Yay the discovery of an actual end to a game!
I remember my own discovery that the fridge was magic.
Me too! I loved the picture of "Sashi." I had to double check that it was, in fact, not her. Good find.
My boys are excited about Ian's discover and can't wait to come back to they can "discover" it themselves!
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