I teach the 9 year olds at church. I have done this for the past 2 1/2 years. I team teach with Genji. Yesterday, Genji stayed home with the kids and i went alone. We mostly have 4 to 6 children come every week, but wouldn't you guess the week i am alone they ALL came! I had about 10 kids in class. I was a little shocked about this, if fact wondered if there was a holiday i didn't know about and this might be the reason why primary was packed.
I went into the class wanting to teach well. I knew that i have one boy in class who is "a know it all." I really don't like children like this, but i know that we have to treat him lovingly. As i was teaching he shouted "THIS IS BORING" and "I KNOW ALL OF THIS" So i asked him, if he would like for me to get his parents and he said NO! I went on, hoping that this would be the end. As we were doing the activity ...he starts rolling his eyes.. i ask him a question, trying to get him involved and he says, yes i know the answer. So i wait and he tells me what he thinks. Well, guess what!? HE WAS WRONG!!! Oh joy!!! I said rather quickly INCORRECT! Oh, did it feel good. He just stared at me, like how in the world could he have gotten that question wrong. I gave him the right answer and then went on. He started to hit a little boy sitting next to him. I said, i think you need to go outside the class room now. He said NO, I WILL BE GOOD. I gave him another chance. I taught a very good lesson, one that i was proud of.
I asked the children who would like to say the closing prayer and this same little boy raised his hand. I allowed him to pray. As he was praying he said. i will hit you over the head with a tack hammer (pointing to another little boy) I then stopped this child midway and said with a rather stern voice...Go Out Side. I think that my tone was in a way, where he listened and moved. All they other children sat in silence, knowing that i was no longer playing around. The little boy looked as if he were going to cry he asked me how long he had to stand outside...i said, until you know that you were being very inappropriate during prayer. He said...i know...let me back in. I allowed him back in. Then i did something i have never done before. I turned off the lights and spoke in a very low but stern voice. I told the children that God loved each and every one of them and that if they didn't take anything away from me this year, i wanted them to take this one thing in. I said, when you pray to heavenly father, you be respectful, you be kind, and you pray with all your heart. I said you hurt god's feelings when you are disrespectful and that you should never say a crappy prayer. You should have seen all of the little ones eyes. Everyone of them were looking right at me. No one was talking and no one moved. I then restated that God loved them very much and wants them to be happy. Then i told them again...to remember to pray well....no goofing off.
I love my class. I put up with a lot of crap and i am very patient. I do not like it when children treat heavenly father poorly. I was proud of myself...i know they heard me....yay!
1 comment:
You go girl! Good job - I think you handled it all quite beautifully. I only hope my children aren't like that little know it all - I have a sinking suspicion I was (ok, not with the prayer) but that's why Charlie Chenoweth Jr. still can't stand me!
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