Are you ready? Are you set? The BIG day has come FINALLY come! I am way excited...no...excited isn't the right word...thrilled!? No, not the right word...intoxicated! Yes, this is the right word! Yay! 6:30pm tonight I will be sitting in front on my TV with a huge smile on my face watching one of my loves in life. I have told my friends and family not to expect to much from me, for the next two weeks. I will be worthless...Waahaha!! *evil laugh*
I have a couple of problems however, I have to go to the mall tomorrow and help out at a home school function...ugh. I might also have to teach a class at church about canning in the next two weeks...dang....boohoo...what am i do to?! Why does life have to continue?? Why can't it stop for two weeks?? Do people not understand that I have been counting down for 4 years?? Do they not realize my passion for these games?? I need understanding....I need something.
Like to help you sweetheart but this is an obsession I just don't get. But I will keep the phone calls to a minimum! Have fun - let me know of any highlights.
Love you and all your quirkiness.
here's one of the highlights
I gave you an award. Hope you like it.
I'm also happy to see that I can type a link and my brother can't. Nananana.
Genji - only you!
Robert says, "Yeah, no shit. No tongue?"
Male brains think alike.
Robert also says, "Milk does a body good."
Says you'd get that. I think I need to leave you both to your "manly bonding."
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