In the words of my Grandma, "Hell Fire!" She would utter these words when she was angry about something. It was very cute when she did this, because she said this with a Texan accent and it was always loud when it came out of her mouth. I swore i would never use such language, but dang if i thought of this phrase today *rolling eyes* when i got frustrated!!
I live in an apartment, with tons of rules, which nobody obeys. The owenrs change the way they want to do things ALL THE TIME. They get angry when you cannot read their minds and get caught doing what they asked you to do. I try desperately to obey all of their rules (no matter how dumb they might be) But do they think that i am a good tenant? No, they do not...in fact all of their woes are put upon me and my family. I am their scape goat. I do not like this at all. I have tried to plead my case...they will not listen. I have had Genji talk to them...they slam the door in his face. I have tried to ignore them completely....doesn't work. They follow me in their car as i walk to the beach. They yell at me to come to them...so they can yell at my to my face. It is completely in just.
Today our hallway to our house was full of smoke. It smelled so bad that i had to open the outside door so that fresh air could come through. I checked every nook and cranny in the apartment building and outside...i couldn't find where the smoke was coming from. I knocked on people's doors...most didn't answer. I called the owner...of course he didn't answer his phone...ugh. I left a message...will he get it...i don't know. There is a water leak coming down from the celling in the wash room. It is making a very large puddle on their floor. I called the owner...no answer. I called again...nothing. I finally called Seattle (to the owners wife) to tell her about the small flood that is accruing. She said, "Why don't you call my husband?" I told her i tried to call him twice...she said, "Keep trying." Genji told me that it wasn't my job to keep trying....so we stuck a bucket under the drip and let it go.
The owners didn't come when they had smoke in their building...they still do not come for the dripping water....what to do??? HELL FIRE! It makes me feel better to say this...HELL FIRE...it is kinda silly to say...hahaha.
Maybe it *was* hell fire that set of some sprinklers/fire defense system that is now causing a link in the laundry room! (Just a thought.)
So happy you posted - I love to read what you write. I'm sorry that you are having such a heckuva time with your landlords. Have they said anything about the fee for heating up the great outdoors?
BTW, because it's always fun to get more than just one comment per post, I think you're fabulous!! I can't believe they stalked you either. Maybe you should get a restraining order....just a thought. (Apparently I've having a lot of those!)
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