I have TONS of questions that need answering in my life. I have pondered these questions so often that I am kinda going insane... Maybe you guys can help?
1) Where do all the spoons go in my house?
2) Why does my son love to run around the house naked after his shower?
3) How can I tell Sashi it isn't nice to kick Ian in the nads?
4) WHERE are all the spoons in my house??
5) Why does my son spray toothpaste all over the mirror, in the bathroom, when he spits?
6) How can I tell Sashi I don't understand whine?
8) Why does Ian hide all of his dirty socks?
9) How can I tell Sashi it is OK to be wrong?
10) Where the HECK are all of the spoons in my house?!?
Please I need help...please.
#2: It's nice to air dry the butt crack.
#3: Just say it. Tell her after she does, he feels comparable to her knees on a very bad day.
#5: He's channeling his inner Jackson Pollock.
#6: Ignore her. Knowing Sashi, that'll just make it worse for awhile. I'd advise cotton. Option 2 is just wait for her to outgrown it. That'll take awhile. Again, I advise cotton.
#8: Under his bed.
#9: You can't. She'll have to figure it out on her own. Again, that'll take awhile. I continue to advise cotton. Actually, silicone plugs reduce the noise better. Go silicone.
#1, 4, 7 & 10: They ran away with my dishes. (Actually, it's all of our forks that are missing but dishes nicely invokes the nursery rhyme so I went that route.)
Hope this helps.
I have to add on #2 He might have inherited that trait. :) So Mouse's forks ran away with your spoons. Are they by any chance hanging out with any of my dishes? They may still be in the garage, but I thought I'd check. Keep me posted.
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