I have fallen in love with a online store called Hanna Andersson. This site has the cutest dresses for little girls. The styles are adorable and the dresses are made with wonderful materials that do not wear out. I love how the dresses are fun and and age appropriate. A little girl of 7 can look like a little girl of seven and not like a prosta-tot waiting to do her next trick. I enjoy how the dresses have sleeves. You would be amazed how hard it is to find dresses with some sort of sleeve on them. I do not think a child needs to have long sleeves on all the time, but I do like a child to have some sort of short sleeve on. Sleeves give freedom of movement without having a dress fall off while in play. Sleeves also provide warmth which is much needed in the climate that I live in...who puts a child in a dress without sleeves in 40 degree weather? Fred Meyers thinks you should. Why do stores in Juneau have flimsy, non-sleeved clothes? Most of Hanna Andersson's dresses have sleeves of some sort.
Sashi ADORES Hanna dresses because they are soft and are very girly looking. She just got a dress through the mail that twirls when she spins. Sashi had a conversation with her brother the day she got the dress.
*Sashi twirling in the living room with her new dress on*
Ian: Sashi I can see your underwear.
Sashi: That's because it is a good dress!
Sashi would get all the dresses in the catalog if she could have her way. Tonight she was showing me all the dresses that she wanted. Most of the dresses she picked out were lovely...here are some of her favorites:

1 comment:
It's a good thing that last one was one of her favorites! ;) I agree with the whole "look like 7yo girls instead of prosta-tots" thing. The dresses are very cute.
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