Halloween is coming faster than we can say... YIKES! Yesterday the kids wanted to go out and buy costumes. So, off we went to go dive into the wonderful world of ghouls, goblins, witches, ghosts, and every imaginable character you can think of. Ian and Sashi were in absolute delight to walk down the aisles and touch all of the merchandise. Sashi had to touch and look at all of the princess dresses. Ian had to try out every make believe sword in the store. Once Sashi was done in the princess aisle she had to go look at all the decorations that moved or made noise. Ian thought it would be cool to turn on every movable device within seconds of each other so that all they would all move and scream at the same time.

Sashi got scared of a skeleton bowl which grabbed her hand when she got too close to it. She screamed bloody murder!! Sashi was kinda pissed off that a bowl scared her, but then she got over it when she saw the wigs! Oh joy! Wigs of all colors and lengths!! Ian started to yell my name when he got to the candy aisle.."Mom, I am in chocolate heaven!" I walked to where the yelling was coming from and there was Ian with huge eyes drooling over the candy bags.

I knew it would be a good thing to get him out of this aisle before he started asking me for bags of chocolate to take home. Dang, too late. Ian said, "Mom, you know, our house is lacking chocolate." Then he smiled at me and went for a bag of the Kit Kats. I told him that it was ok that we didn't have chocolate in the house and that we would all live without it. He didn't seem to believe me but he walked on.
Ian picked out a phantom outfit that looks like this:

Sashi got a pumpkin patch witch costume.

I think the excitement of Halloween is going to start increasing with each passing day. My children already want to decorate the house and make Halloween cookies. Ian wants to have Halloween art projects for the entire month of October. Am I excited for all of this chaos? Yes, Yes I am.
What I love about Halloween is it turns every kid into a pinatas. don't worry, I don't beat them with a stick. I just shake them really hard
Ah, dear brother, so good to know you have your priorities straight. I think the pumpkin witch costume is terrible cute. Of course, Sashi would look adorable in anything. Are you going to make Ian's eyes glow red?
Ian's blog still won't let me leave comments. Grrrr.... Could you email me his address and then I could email him directly with my comments?
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