School has started at the League Home!! Our shelves are stocked with books, folders, atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, writing paper, crayons, markers, pencils, workbooks and pens! much stuff. What wonderful things to have to make learning fun. We start school at 8:00am and go until 2:00pm. Our school has two small breaks (15 minutes) and a half hour lunch. The kids work very hard at their studies. We combine several subjects: History, Art and Science. The other subjects are separate and each child works independently or with mom. I love watching my children learn. Each child has a different learning style, which is awesome to watch. Ian is my sponge. He sucks up all the information that you give him as fast as he can so that he can have more free time. Ian loves science, reading, writing and spelling. He will ask for science everyday and will sit in thought wondering how things work. Ian loathes math and wishes it never existed. It will take him 2 hours at times to do his math, just because he will be looking out the window day dreaming. Sashi loves art, writing and math. If Sashi had her way she would do art all day long. She asks for art and if we do not do a project for that day she will fall into a funk that can last the entire day. I have gone to many websites looking up art projects that both kids can do together and so far we have a wall with many wonderful masterpieces.
Here are some pictures of our first school days.
Sashi made this flower out of paper airplanes.
This is a tower that Sashi built

Ian knocks down the tower in one wack!

We made goo!

The kids LOVED this experiment

This is my favorite picture.

Ian hamming it up

I love my kids...what fun we have!
What a terrific looking school you have! If you haven't seen this site yet, you might want to check it out: She has some great ideas especially for your kids ages.
I think you do a great job homeschooling your kids. I hope the rest of the year is just as fun.
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