Have you ever been addicted to something really stupid? I have this irresistible craving to play Oregon Trail. I must play. I have found myself pining away for the adventures of the Pioneers. I want to hunt buffalo, rabbits, snakes, squirrel and berry pick! I want the obstacles of dogging stampedes and finding lost trails. I want to have my family of 5 make it all the way to Willamette Valley, without killing someone. I need to play.
Tonight I found myself playing a game of "wannabe Pioneer" and ignoring a very special person in my life and I thought HOW SICK!!! Mia, what are you doing?? Here is a REAL person in the same room as you and you want to play Pioneers!!! What are you thinking? What are you doing?? Put the game away.
10 minutes later I am still fording down the Snake river wanting so very badly to get down stream without crashing into a jagged rock. I am madly thinking that I made the wrong decision not to take the "hot Indian guide" to get me down stream. What was I thinking?? Ooops, I am still not talking to my friend...blast...it is time to go home.
I turn off the game. I am embarrassed that I didn't talk to my friend on this visit. I think I will have to play something else the next time we are together. What a strange addiction I have....silly Mia.
Trix are for kids! It was fine. You were "working," I was "working," everything was good. *mwah*
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