I am dying with the heat! Yes, you heard me right HEAT! We started the month of August off with beautiful sunshine. Oh golly, Juneau is so pretty with the sun sparkling off the water and the mountains shining in the light. However, there is one tiny little problem. It is WAY to hot. I enjoy the sun very much. I love going on walks, going to the park, playing in the ocean, picking berries, fishing, biking and picnics. When the sun shines you can do all these things without getting wet...it is heavenly. Today was 78 degrees. I got the kids ready to go to the beach and the first thing my kids said to me when we got outside was, "It is too hot mom, lets go back inside." I laughed this off and we got into the car and drove down the street to the beach. When we got to the sand my daughter told me that the sand was too hot and to cool it down for her....what am I? A God?? I told her I can not make the sand cooler but if she walks really quickly she can make it to the water without burning her feet. We make it down to the water and my son states that it is to bright outside and he wishes it were a bit more cloudy. Um...this could make for a interesting trip.
I sat on the sand and watched my kids laugh and play in the ocean. I felt the gentle breeze on my face and gazed at the awe inspiring mountains and thought how small I really was. Then it happened...I started to get hot. I ignored the unpleasant sweat that was dripping down my neck. I tried to splash water on my legs so that I would not feel like I was going to die. I wanted to rip off my clothes and run around in the breeze naked...but I thought people would think this was a BIT ODD. Panic set in...AHHHHHH, IT IS TOO HOT! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO???? I looked around to see if my friends were getting hot...NOPE they were fine. I thought, I need water...where is the water?? Oh! There it is..I desperately tried to get the lid off the bottle and started to chug the water. AHHHH. That is better. Wait, I am still hot...poo!!!
I am proud to say, I didn't complain to my friends about being hot. I do not think they knew I was so uncomfortable...Yay! I do like the sun, but WOW...is it broiling outside!!!
1 comment:
I had no idea you were so uncomfortable. I'm sorry your house is so scorching. :( No wonder you went to the glacier yesterday - I'm sure it was more comfortable.
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