This is a story of a young girl and her Gobstopppers.
Once upon a time there was a young girl who wanted to get a snack at the store. She begged her mother for a delicious, sweet treat one that "would not rot out her teeth." This little girls' mother thought, "why not" and gave her permission to get a yummy, gooey snack. The little girl went to the candy aisle and stared at all the wonderful treats. She picked up each candy and looked and read each label very carefully...then she picked. Can you guess what it was? The little girl ran to her mother and held out her treasure...Gobstoppers! She gave her mother a adorable smile, as if to say "Mom, you are the greatest!" The young girl waited patiently, in line, while her mother checked out. She giggled when the gobstoppers were given to her and she held her mother's hand all the way to the car. The little girl chatted to her mom about how yummy the candy would taste and what flavors were her favorite. It was decided that the red ones were the yummiest and that she wanted to eat that color first.
This young girl poured three gobstoppers into her hand and proceeded to eat them. "Oh, mom these are the best!" "Too bad you did not get any at the store." THEN IT HAPPENED.....

There was this sound of rushing water or what sounded like rushing water. This sound was then followed by the loudest screaming you ever did hear. "AHHHHHHH, MY GOBSTOPPERS!!! MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM! THEY....THEY....THEY ARE ALL...OVER....THE FLOOR OF THE CAR!!!! WAAAAAA! Big tears are falling all over the lap of this pretty little girl, in her hand is an empty box. Her big, blue eyes are filled with tears and the big smile that was once on her face was no more.

Oh what a sad drive home it was. A little girl without her beloved candy. She begged her mother if she could eat the candy off the floor, but mom would not budge. "The floor of the car is too gross and will make you sick," said the mother. The little girl put her jacket over her head and whimpered all the way home. The little girls mother felt terrible. Once home the little girl and her mother embraced
and talked about how sad it all was. The mom even got out a popsicle and gave it to the little girl. The pretty little girl smiled up at her mom once more, life was still good.