Do you see this game?
This little game is driving me NUTS!
I must play...I must get a high score!!
I have a need and want to beat Phantom Man.
Phantom Man..aka my hubby has a wicked high score.
The quest: To out do my hubby...I MUST.
I want the look of adoration on his face.
I want to see his smirk, that he only gives me when I have surprised him.
I want to see his eyes twinkle.
I want him to be defeated.
The Challenge: To play everyday and to kick his royal hiney.
Can I do it?
You bet I can =)
It is hard to compete with years of practice.
I totally get this. I, once upon a time, had similar ambitions. And there was once a glorious moment when I achieved a high Tetris score that I heard, "Well done, Mouse."
But that was so long ago.... ;)
You MUST do it. I'm on your cheer squad if ever you need one. :)
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