I hate, wait no...I LOATH spiders. They are cowards that love to creep and crawl about your house, coming out at night, when they don't think we are watching. These little creatures set up camp in corners of your home, where they think they will not be seen. Oh, they think they are so cleaver, but they are not. We have a rule at our house: Outside we do not smash or kill spiders, but inside they are fair game. I do not feel joy killing these arachnids, but I do not spare them either. They are ugly, hideous, long legged creepy things, that have to die! So, when I see spiders I do not hold back SQUISH, SMASH, SMEAR, RUB, STOMP and FLUSH ...bye bye now. Awww the joys of summer.
there is probably one on you right how. Hiding in your hair.
I know what you mean! :) Although if they're in my yard their fair game too. :)
I'm okay with spiders....unless someone takes a really close up photo of one and enlarges it. Then they creep me out.
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