So I have a tiny problem. There are zooming little bugs all over my house. How are they coming in?? THROUGH THE ^%;;&++! WINDOW SCREEN!! It drives me crazy! Some cleaver guy, a long time ago, came up with an idea to put a net in the window and call it a screen. He most likely was very proud of the fact that he came up with this. I do not think he ever imagined a bug being smaller than the little squares in his "wonderful screen." This man never lived in ALASKA! Alaska where the bugs out number the humans and maybe even the bears. In Alaska the bugs must adapt to all sorts of why not become no smaller then a pin point??? Makes since to me. You can not see these little blood suckers until they are biting you. Then "OUCH!"...smack, smear, wipe gone. I do this multiple times a day. Here is what my screen looks like.

You would think this would give me protection in my own house, but NO! It doesn't. Some one goofed.. I took a closer look to see why this would be.

Oh Wow! Look how big the screen holes are!! I see why that this little *bleep* can get through the window screen. Oh! If you do not know what a No See Um is here I will show you.

These tiny little insects can give a bite..that hurts like crazy. Here let me show you.

OUCH!! I have been slapping, scratching, smearing, scratching, yelling, scratching, swatting, scratching and opening and shutting windows all day. When will it end?? I need winter!! Someone tell the man who invented the screen he needs to revamp it for Alaskan bugs!! In the mean time, does someone have bug repellent? I need some.
Dang noseeums! There's always this stuff what's it called? Oh yeah, glass. ;)
There's also mosquito netting? bug dope?
The best solution is to sleep with someone the bugs find tastier than yourself
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