Help... I am dying under an awesome amount of dirty dishes!! Every time I turn around there is a sink full of putrid, slimy earthenware waiting to be scrubbed clean. Why? How?? What is this curse that is upon my house? We use paper plates for heaven's sakes! What in the world is going on? I loath dishes. I hate everything about gross, disgusting, green, brown, stinky, oozy dishes. I can live without them. I think I will start having my family eat out of their hands...ya...that is what I am going to do. Case closed.
But you still have to make the food....see, we helped out yesterday with the birthday dinner. No. dishes. ;)
I LOVE cooking!! I will cook, if you will clean ;)
Blech. I hate both. I really wish I could afford a maid and a cook.
I'll do all your laundry if you'd cook.... (but not the putting away part.)
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