My house has a little problem...it creates bunnies. It is almost like magic! I brought home one bunny almost 12 years ago, for my infant son and then that one bunny got a friend. My son was delighted that he had two fluffy little bunnies to play with. Then the Easter Bunny started to bring them every Easter. Oh the joy in this house!! Rabbits everywhere! My son spent many, many hours playing with his fuzzy friends. Over the years something happened that is quite mysterious...we started getting bunnies several times a year and not JUST on Easter. Now everywhere I look rabbits are in every room. They have the cutest little black, pink, white, and blue eyes. The bunnies come in different colors, black, white, gray, brown, purple, pink, yellow and multi-color. Wait, what? Oh I should tell you these are not real bunnies they are stuffed animals. This is why we have a slight problem.

My son adores rabbits of all kinds. He wants bunnies. He asks for them and will talk about what are the best kinds to have as a pet. He is happy with his stuffed friends, but he wants more. I think it is time to give in and get him a real bunny friend so that maybe this floppy ear obsession can stop. This is the bunny that Ian wants. The bunny he wants is a Holland Lop. These Lops can be kitty littered trained and make wonderful pets. Ian asks me almost everyday for one. He looks so hopeful that I will say yes. I want to say yes, but we live in a place that will not allow us have pets. It is the biggest drag ever. Ian wants to understand, but I think his little heart doesn't want to stop believing that he will one day get one. Awwww... I guess in the meantime I have to figure out a way to stop the bunnies from breading. There are too many freaking Rabbits everywhere!!!

You do know that rabbits are known for their rapid and prolific reproduction capabilities? Too bad you didn't know 12 years ago that this extends to the stuffed variety as well.
It is pretty staggering at the rate in which the "stuffed varieties" multiply...lol...who knew ;)
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