I love movie night. The family all gets together with pillows, blankets and stuffed animals and piles all into a giant heap on the floor. We then put on the movie and watch. I love the questions that come with not understanding what is going on. "Mom, what is a Banshee?" Asks Ian with huge eyes not leaving the TV. I calmly tell him it is folk lore and not to worry, we do not believe in such things. Sashi has her mouth wide open, like she is about to catch a mouth full of flies...."Mama, what is the Banshee going to DO?" Her last word a little louder than the rest of her sentence. I tell her just watch. She does, but she comes and sits on my lap..haha. I must tell you, i love making memories ;)
Have you ever seen the seagulls
A flying o'er the heather
Or the crimson sails the
Galway Bay the fishermen unfurl
O the earth is filled with beauty
And it's gather'd all together
In the form and face and dainty grace
Of a Pretty Irish Girl
Oh, sh' is my dear My dralin' one
Her eyes so sparklin' full of fun
No other can match the likes of her
O, she is my dear
My darlin' one
My smilin' and beguilin' one
I love the ground she walks upon
My Pretty Irish Girl
Have you ever seen the morning in
Kerry Killarny when the dew is on the hayrick
And ev'ry drop a pearl
When the geese are full of blarney
And the trush is singing Gaelic
And standing in the doorway
Is a Pretty Irish Girl
Oh, she is my dear
My dralin' one
Here eyes so sparklin' full of fun
No other can match the likes of her
O, she is my dear My darlin' one
My smilin' and beguilin' one
I love the ground she walks upon
My Pretty Irish Girl
When I'm patred from my darlin'
My sighs would sail a schooner
And when I cannot reach her sure
My tears would turn a mill
Since she cannot be unkind
To any helpless creature
I think that she will marry me a
Pretty Irish Girl
Oh, she is my dear
My dralin' one
Here eyes so sparklin' full of fun
No other can match the likes of her
O, she is my dear
My darlin' one
My smilin' and beguilin' one I love the ground she walks upon
My Pretty Irish Girl
I have watched Darby O'Gill And The Little People so many times and yet i still get so much enjoyment from it.

I love the interaction between King Brain and Darby. I love the trickery and the cleverness to out do each other. I love the commitment they have for each other.
I love how there is music to go along with the campy backgrounds of the 1950's.
Isn't it funny how you can tell it is a movie lot?! I am glad movies have gotten better at hiding the lot..lol.

I love how i can watch this movie with my children and know they are scared of the same Banshee the way i was when i was a small child. This movie is truly a classic in my mind.