Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Talking to my kids

Mommy: Ian what do you want to be when you grow up?
Ian: An inventor
Mommy:What are you going to invent?
Ian: I haven't thought about it yet. I think some robot who could stop the wars in Iraq or maybe a tele-port machine to transport people to the past and future.
Mommy: Do you know you need to know math to be an inventor?
Ian: ummmmm...ya.
Mommy: Have you ever thought about being a writer?

Mommy: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Sashi: A doctor
Mommy: What do doctors do?
Sashi: They fix people up when they are sick.
Mommy: Why do you want to be a doctor?
Sashi: So i can help people out
Mommy: What will your name be?
Sashi: Dr. Sashi!
Mommy: How much will you get paid when you are a doctor?
Sashi: 38 dollars and i will help little kids get better.


M said...

I would come and visit Dr. Sashi just for the rates! Wow - $38! What a deal! Where did she come up with that number?

These are great conversations. And very telling about your kids. I liked Ian's comment about stopping the war in Iraq and time travel; I'm picturing him grown up as a crazy Emmett Brown (Back to the Future).

ConTorTion said...

remember kids are usually more liberal than their parents so you have to compensate otherwise they bleed all over everything once they hit high school and college.