Monday, November 24, 2008

Lego attack

Ahh.... we are under attack! Lego bullets are streaming by my head!! I can't seem to get away. Why is my man not moving? OH, I KNOW partner in crime isn't moving his character fast enough! Ugh. Then I die. I want to quit the game, but my son looks at me with his big doe eyes and I am stuck. I am stuck to play another round. I start up my character again and away we go.
We go through mazes of caves, scramble up hills by the tips of our little Lego hands and get our heads blown off by mean Nazi Lego dudes. This is all for fun. I die and die. Why do I do this? I swear it is love that draws to this game. I love my son, so I play. He is so happy to play the game and laugh at his mom swearing at a character who will not run where she wants it to go. He smiles and say, "Mom, don't worry you are getting better." I grimace back at him and thank him under my breath. I am bound and determined to get my plastic dude up the ramp so I can dig a hole and get a jewel out. WHY DO I KEEP FALLING!!!! I swear you would think I could move this guy better. You would think that after all the playing I have done in the past few months I would be an expert...but alas this is not true. I have two left thumbs or a punk ass controller which might be broken. Which ever the reason is, I will not move the way I want to. But the thing that truly keeps me going is my son smiling a huge smile the entire time we are playing together...haha...this is why I play. I believe it is all well worth it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Funny things my kids say and do

One day Ian says to me, "Mom, I can hit Sashi and it wont hurt her at all." I remember looking at him wondering where he is going with this. I then saw the twinkle in his eye that he wanted to show me, so I said, "ok, Ian show me." Ian stands Sashi against the wall. Sashi doesn't know what to think, but she trusts her brother and does as she is told. Ian pulls back his fist and goes for the blow. Sashi terrified screams but she doesn't move. Ian stops just short of punching her. Sashi giggles and giggles until she falls to the floor. "See Mom, I can hit Sashi and it wont hurt her", Says Ian. I stood there with my mouth agape wondering is this a wholesome activity for my children to be playing. Then i say, "Wow, Ian that is really cool. Do you want to do it again for the camera?" "YES!" was both their reply. Here is the picture to prove the story is true.
A few days later:

Ian: Sashi, dont say bad words.
Sashi: What bad words?
Ian: You said Damn
Sashi: No i didnt
Ian: Yes you did and I am going to tell mom

Ian runs into the kitchen. "Mom, Sashi is saying words that we are only allowed to say in College!"

Sashi and Ian are playing in their room. I over hear Sashi screaming at Ian.

Ian: Mom, Sashi is using your words!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Goodbye Sun

Well the time has come to say goodbye to our sun. I have been watching our sun slowly make it's way behind Mt. Jumbo. Every day the sun gets lower and lower, like a weight is dragging it down. I know that in about a week we will have more darkness then light. The months will seem a little longer. I have had many people ask if i get sad without the light? Do I get sad? I have to tell you, I am getting quite excited! I love winter and the darkness. Ian and I are getting ready to have snowball fights in the dark. It is fun to anticipate that a snow ball is coming for your face. You know the ball of snow is coming your way, but you cant see it at all. You kinda see this white blur but then it disappears into the darkness. Another favorite activity to do in the darkness is making snow caves by flashlight. The caves are aglow with soft orange light. You can see the shadows of the children playing in the cave. It always seems a little magical. I love how the house seems a little more cozy then normal. The warm blankets on the couch and hot chocolate that is only drunk in the winter. The candles that are brought out "just for the fun of it" and all of the yummy cookies that are made. I love winter. I love the darkness. I love the snow. I am excited.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mom I Love You Anyway

I have a question for all the parents out you ever question if your children love you? My daughter intrigues me to no end. One minute she is saying, "Oh mama i love you!" The next minute she is screaming at the top of her lungs, "You are a bad mama!" My daughter will go back and forth with these extreme emotions many times throughout the day. I have to be honest, at times don't know what is going on inside my daughter's head. Does she like me?
The other day my little girl drew a picture of herself running into her daddy's arms. She proudly showed me her work and told me about it. "Mama, this is me running into my daddy's arms, but don't worry i love you too." I kinda snickered and smiled to myself at how cute she is, but then i wondered why i didn't get a picture. Sometimes i feel like i pour my heart and soul into raising my daughter and i get forgotten when i comes to passing out the love. I don't know if this is a mother daughter thing or if it is a Sashi thing. I have to tell you i am scared to death what she might be like as a teenager. If she is yelling at me you imagine what she will be doing when she is 15!!!