Ian tells me on Saturday that he is going to build a club in his room. This club will have a disco dance floor, places to sit and relax and place for the manager to sit. "Mom this will be the best club in the world and we DON'T even have to leave our house to go there." He happily scampers off to his room to "build" this amazing club. All day Saturday he spends drawing up his plans. Ian comes into the room with papers piled high so i can ooo and ahhh at his PLANS. The plans are quit impressive... they have every detail from how the floor should look, to how he wants the lights to be. He giggles when i tell him he is doing a wonderful job and runs off with Sashi by his side. Sashi wants in on the action as well, but being only 5 her "help" isn't always the best. Ian and Sashi start screaming at each other after only 10 minutes. I walk down the hall and try and see what the trouble is. "MOM, DON'T COME IN HERE!" both the kids are yelling at me. I think wow...ok...fine...claw each others eyes out i don't care.
Ian comes to me an hour later with a piece of paper in his hand and a mysterious expression on his face. He doesn't say a word, just hands me the paper. He then walks to his father and hands him a piece of paper. Sashi is heard laughing and giggling down the hall, as Ian is doing this. Ian then walks away, with a strange gait that i think must be a strut! I start to smirk thinking Ian is already strutting when he is feeling proud!! I turn the piece of paper over and here is what it says:
Ian and Sashi are both sitting down in the hall peering around the corner to see if we "like the invite." I tell Ian ok. I will be there. Ian's father also says...i will be there. "YAY!" shout the kids together. "Mom, you are going to love it." "I cant wait for tomorrow."
I told Ian you have worked hard, i cant wait to see it either. I then made a BIG mistake. I said, "Ian i cant wait to dance on your floor." Ian's face dropped. "Mom, i need help to make my dance floor." Oh man, i thought...way to put my foot in my mouth. "ok" i say and now the fun begins. I get started making a "floor" for my kids. Ian has the PLANS ready and waiting for me to make it exactly like he has drawn. What he doesn't remember is i only have paper, crayons and tape to make this floor with. I tell Ian i will do my best. I start piecing the disco floor together..."Mom, you are not doing it right." "It needs to be bigger, cant you see that the plans here say this?" (Ian is pointing to the plans) I then tell Ian he can make the dance floor if he doesn't like the way i am doing it. "ok mom, you can do it." I had to crush Ian a little bit. I told him he and sashi would have to help color the disco floor. He was under the impression that i was going to make the whole thing.
We all started to color the floor. Sashi did about 4 squares. Ian did about 6 squares. I did about 12 squares. All in all the floor looked wonderful. When we went into the "club" we layed down the floor in the dark so i couldn't see what the room looked like.
Then it was TIME TO PARTY!

The room was amazing. Ian had the beds made up like couches to sit on. He had the dance floor and lights (night lights) he had a place to sit and be the manager. We all danced. I took pictures. We then turned off all the lights and lit candles and danced in the dark.....ooooo.....ahhhhh. The party was a success.
Life is a Party! :)