I have been finding it harder in the mornings to wake up. I do not know if it is the resent time change or if I am just getting older and my body is rebelling...whatever the case maybe I walk around my house in a sleepy fog for a good 15 minutes every morning. My kids have learned not to fight, yell, ask questions or ask for help while I am in my zombie like state. I do not yell at them nor do I punish them when they DO talk to me, however I will state in a very low, clear voice that I am not awake and can not handle anything right now. What is really funny I think my kids instinctively know that I am not kidding and they leave me be. I go about making lunches, breakfast and getting clothes out for my kids all in my own silent bubble. Then POP! My Bubble breaks and I am a happy, cheery mom and ready for the day. Zombie mom...who knew?!?