Everyday is full of choices. I make decisions everyday almost every hour. My family also makes choices here are a few: Ian chooses what he is going to wear for the day and what subjects he wants to learn for home school. Sashi decides when she is going to help me clean up and when she doesn't want to. My husband chooses to make money for his family and not to stay at home and goof off like he would prefer to do. How come with all of this wonderful decision making, WE CAN'T DECIDE WHICH MOVIE TO WATCH AT MOVIE NIGHT!!!! It about drives me nuts. We all want different things. Ian wants a Bionicle movie, Sashi wants a "cartoon movie", I want a action or comedy and Genji wants to sleep. I always give in and watch a cartoon movie, but someday I want a full blown action movie with lots of shooting and jumping around. Ahhh....I know that it is wise of me to decide to wait until the kids are older....but BOY do I really want one. *Sigh*