We have all heard that children are very impressionable when it comes to television. Children seem to want everything that is advertised. "Mom, i want to have a Goo Blaster 3000." This might be a cry a boy might scream as he is watching a commercial, his eyes never leave the glow of the screen. "Mom, i need to have this new Barbie cereal, it will help me have all the daily vitamins a kid needs." This might be a cry of a little girl to her mother, explaining why she should have a sugary cereal.
My children are forever screaming the toys they want when a commercial is on. I have to keep explaining that we cant get every toy or item that they see. We are unable to afford all of the vitamins, clothes, skateboards, adult diapers, baby diapers, soft soaps, penis enlargers and Barbie cereal that they see everyday. If we bought all these things,yes...we might be cleaner and sexually happier...but we would be broke. The kids are kinda getting this...and now they will only ask for one item that they see a day. So we are making progress.
The other day i had a conversation with Ian. He was asking me why i do not use Oxy Clean? I was doing the laundry and spraying shout on everything. Here is how the conversation went.
Ian: Mom, why don't you use Oxi Clean?
Mom: *looking at Ian with really wide eyes* Ah, i don't know.
Ian: Mom, Oxi Clean is really important for getting out deep stains.
Mom: *biting my tongue trying not to laugh* Ian, we don't use Oxi Clean because i use shout and it works just as well.
Mom: Besides i used Oxi Clean and it really didn't work too well.
Ian: When did you use Oxi Clean?
Mom: When you were a little boy Ian.
Ian: Well Mom, there is a new and improved Oxi Clean and i think you should try it again.
Mom: *dumbfounded* .....silence
Ian: Oxi Clean will really help you for getting out my stains on my shirt.
Mom: You know what would help me...having you use a napkin when you need to wipe your hands off.
Ian: Mom, will you try Oxi Clean again?
Mom: I don't think so. It really didn't work too well.
Ian: But Mom, that was a long time ago. I think it has changed now.
Mom: *getting a little annoyed* I don't think i want to use this, it is a waste of money.
Ian: Maybe you were using it wrong
Mom: Ian, you cant use it wrong. There are instructions how to use it.
Ian: Why would the man sell something that doesn't work?
Mom: Because he would like money and it might work for other cleaning around the house.
Ian: Oh, you mean like Orange Glow!
Mom: *thinking her son is watching a little too much T.V* Ah yes Ian...but that stuff sucks as well.
Ian: Why do people sell stuff that doesn't work?
Mom: Maybe some people like it Ian. Maybe the stuff works for them.
Ian: I think you need to use Oxi Clean again mom.
I kinda got up and threw in another load of laundry at this point. I love my son, but wow!