Snettisham is down because of an avalanche, causing all of Juneau to be on Diesel power all summer long. With the Diesel come WAY high prices....5 times the amount that we pay now. Juneau was asked to conserve. How may you ask...why by sitting in the dark, washing dishes by hand, not drying your clothes and try not to turn on the heater...etc. It has been a surreal experience....Fred Meyers has half it's lights turned on. Ian's class sits in the dark half the day....genji's lights at work (the state) has the lights deemed low....this is kinda like the twilight zone. I am in the same town, but somehow it is different ;)
I truly feel like a pioneer...i don't know if i like it. I hate dishes with a Passion...but yet i find myself having to wash them. I have been taking luke warm showers because the owner has turned down the water heater...ugh. Sitting in the dark has been the real challenge....Ian and sashi...just don't know what to do about this. We keep reminding them that if they are not in a room turn off the lights. I must tell them this 500 times a day. "But why mama, why do we." This is Ian's cry...haha.
I wonder what the cruise ships are going to do....they might have to pay out the nose this summer to light up their boats?? Well, wish us luck in keeping the bill down...yikes!