I have been trying to think why children are so messy?? Is it because they are lazy? Are they just not aware that a house is messy?? My children are very talented at making messes. They even have the talent of getting out of cleaning all together. I ask Ian, "Can you please pick up your room, before you go out and play with your friends?" His reply is "mom, i don't feel like playing with my friends today...so it is ok if i just leave my room messy." I tell him no you should clean up your room anyway, because it will make you feel better to have everything in its place. His reply, "mom, you are funny, i don't care if everything is messy...i know where everything is." Ugh! Golly, i feel like i am losing out! Strike two for mom...i have to become a little more cleaver than my son. So this is what i shout, "IAN, YOU NEED TO CLEAN YOUR ROOM OR YOU WILL GET SPIDERS HIDING UNDER CLOTHES AND IN THE CORNERS!" Ian's eyes get wide with horror at the thought of spiders hiding in his room and he starts to clean! Yay! Mom won this round!
I have been going a little nuts lately with the house being so messy. This is a new thing for me. I never really cared if the house was a little bit trashed...but now, that my children are having friends come over all the time...the house is NEVER clean. Ian's friends are just as messy as he is. I go around the house picking up after about 4 boys all day long (on the weekends) So i put my foot down the other day and now i have the kids picking up every night before they go to bed. Both of the children complain about this....Sashi will throw things at me and stomp away, but i will win (i hope) Ian said to me on evening when i had cleaned everything so nice. "mom, the house looks very nice, but why did you do this...i will have to work very hard at making it messy again." I bit my tongue and turned around smiling at how funny this was, but feeling helpless...that he is right...i guess it is a child's job to mess things up.
Sashi is a very good cleaner when she wants to be. Some days she will run off giggling to her playroom and will clean and clean until it is all done. Other days....well, let me put it nicely....she can really throw a fit. WOW! I hope to heavens that she will calm down as she gets older, because right now...it is frightening. I find it best to let her be when she starts throwing her fits because it just isnt worth the fight to have a room get cleaned, if i have to listen to screaming for the next 4 hours.
I am happy to say, that tonight, we got the living room cleaned! Lots of complaining, but i am glad that it got done. I am praying that the kids will get used to this new "habit" soon.
Well, this is it...i hope you enjoyed it :)