Ian is totally into board games this year. He wants ALL of the old Hasbro games plus others that he sees in the stores. I have been collecting games these last 12 months and have a pretty good collection so far. Today we played the board game Life. I remember LOVING this game as a kid and was all excited to play with them this morning. We all sat down on the floor and set everything up and started the game. WHOA! This game is a little different than I remember. You can sue people and take all of their money....what the heck?!? I can have a life changing operation...weird. Dude, I can take out a loan for as much money as I want??? What is going on here with this game? I guess the creators of Life decided that the game needed a face lift! I guess it must have been lacking sales or something because now we can play the Game Of Life all raunchy style. My kids at first were a little upset when someone got to take all of their money, because of a lawsuit. Then they started to change. They wanted to sue each other and they would look for the spaces to land on that said "lawsuit." Sashi yelled at one point, "My life is made for suing!" Ian didn't want to play anymore when Sashi had sued him 2 times in a row. He said he wasn't having any fun. I got to have twins and then had a "life changing operation." I guess I wasn't happy being a mom. I do not know what to think about the "NEW" Game Of Life. I wasn't sure if I thought the game was fun or not. I do not know if I like my kids suing people....even if it is just for pretend. Ian wanted to know what "life changing operation" meant and I had to tell him... thanks to this wonderful family game. I guess there is no more innocence for the kids of the New Millennium . I guess I am behind the times because I like the old game. Why can't people just get married and live happily ever after?
I agree! I've decided to look for old games or find new ones that sound fun to me. I just got an orchard game that you have to harvest the fruit before the pesky crows get it. That's more our speed. It will be fun for Christmas
I tried to find a Christian edition of "Life" but had no luck. Perhaps you can re-write the rules and the spaces....
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