Thursday, September 2, 2010

A quest for a Bunny

Ian and I were looking at bunny pictures tonight wondering what kind we should get if we bought a rabbit. Do we want a large one with big fuzzy feet?

Maybe we want a tiny one that looks like a snowball??

Better yet we should get one with big ears!

Ian might like a spotted one???

Or maybe a lop ear bunny?

Gee, it is so hard to make up our minds...they are all so CUTE!! I like the bunnies with the little tuffs of fur in their ears...awww

Ian still wants a Holland Lop...who can blame him, look at this picture

I hope that in the next year we can get Ian his beloved bunny...until then it is fun to look and dream.


Maraiya said...

Awfully adorable.

ConTorTion said...


mia said...

That is the saddest thing ever, no matter how yummy it might be!