Monday, October 6, 2008

Panic before the trip

Golly, i cant get over how many things i have to do before our trip. It is almost mind boggling! The list that i have acquired over the weekend keeps getting longer and longer with errands that need tending to. I am happy at the thought of a trip, but WOW the work that needs to be done before then! I find it amusing that i sit here at the computer, procrastinating and complaining, yet the work hasn't been done yet. *smirk*
I guess the real thing that is chapping my hide is i have a flat tire on the car. This isn't just any flat tire, this mother is huge and it is so flat there is NO WAY to drive it. What is the world did we run over? I didn't drive yesterday and on Saturday we didn't have a flat! Ugh! I NEED my car. How can i do the great many things i need to without a car?? Oh the injustice! PPPPTTTT...on the world.